Monday, February 25, 2013

Weird Pregnancy Weight: 36 Pounds in Two Weeks

Hi. I'm writing to you from my new life as a shut-in. While I LOVED being "really pregnant aka huge" in cold weather, it's biting my ass now as it's been ugly, rainy, cold and kinda miserable since Beckett made her arrival. Can't post without a pic... here's one!
Silly face! This adorable bean is of course worth any kind of weight gain!
With the exception of errands (where she stays in the car with me or Austin) and two pediatrician appointments, Beckett has continued living a life on the inside, albeit a roomier space than her previous digs. All of that being said, I was kind of sad. I had envisioned us strolling around the neighborhood, me getting walks and fresh air, her getting a new environment and accustomed to her stroller. But i'm now leading a completely sedentary life (with the exception of around-the-house stuff and pumping milk - more on that later!).

So, weight... here is a run-down of how this all worked out. Long story short, as of this morning, I've lost 36 pounds since the day I manned up and got on the scale, Monday, February 11, two weeks ago. Here goes a weird story:

  • In May, I was weighing around 120 - 123. Not quite at happy weight (115), but not to freak-out-and-do-something-about-it-weight, 125. We went to a week-long Mexico all-inclusive trip. I got home weighing 128. I also arrived back in the States pregnant.
  • Throughout my pregnancy, I managed to go from 128 to 169. I weighed 169 the day I went in to the hospital, so a weight gain of 41 pounds. Not the "30 - 35" I had in mind, but whatever! I deserved every pound - lots of extra sweets and dinners out, and doing anything comfort-wise to make myself feel better (mac & cheese every day, anyone?)
  • So, on Friday, February 8, I weighed 169. I ended up having an epidural in for 10 hours longer than expected. Yes, 10. Body wouldn't dilate, Beckett wouldn't cooperate, I got a fever, her heart rate went up - at the end of the day I was on an epidural for 15 hours. They said there would be swelling and I may leave the hospital weighing more than when I'd arrived. What?!
  • The next day I didn't recognize myself. I was incredibly swollen! Like could barely walk on my feet as they were huge, Shrek-like and my ankles were as wide as my thighs. I still don't know how my brother-in-law was able to get photos that I love and work around the fact that I was kinda freaked out by the size of my body!
  • When I got home, on Monday, February 11, I found that I weighed 185. Even though i'd had a baby, delivered after birth, etc., I GAINED 16 pounds. No need to freak out... they said the swelling would go down in 2 weeks.
  • The first week nothing happened. I stayed around 185 and started to think something was wrong. Then,  I had 'Elevation Day' on Monday, February 18, where I essentially stayed in bed all day with my feet up. I lost like 7 pounds. The rest of the week, until today, I lost about 5 pounds a day, shrinking right before me and Austin's eyes!
  • Today, I weighed in at 149. 36 Pounds less than the day I left the hospital, 20 pounds less then the day I arrived at the hospital. All in all, this is a normal post-partum weight loss! With the exception of gaining 30+ pounds of water weight.
So as of today, to get back to 125, I've got 24 pounds to lose. To get to 120 (goal weight) I have 29 pounds to lose.  Hopefully I can start walking soon, and on March 18, I'll have my post-partum six-week check-in and will find out if I can start lifting, running, etc. In the meantime, I've got a few more weeks of not worrying about this body and just worrying about little Beckett!! No, I don't really have pictures because it was kind of scary, invisible friends! I DO have some ankle pictures as I would text my mom progress (she was really freaked out for me!).
They're still a little swollen, especially at the ankle, but I can get back in to several of my boots which is good per the aforementioned cold weather.

So that's that - 36 pounds in two weeks. Here's hoping I continue on a weight loss trajectory, albeit a normal one that keeps my calories up so I can make plenty of milk for little Beckett!!

Q: Have you ever seen swelling like this? I mean really - I've shown lots of peeps and they seem so fascinated + disturbed that it has to be their first time seeing this business.

Q: Have a post-partum weight story? I'd say weight loss... but mine is a Weight Gain + Loss story. haha

In other news, all is going wonderful with Miss Beckett. I love her. I love being a mom. I love spending time with her while attempting each day to figure this thing out. It's better than I thought it would be, less scary, more fun, very emotional but worth it. More later - hope you're all having happy Mondays!! :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Baby Girl Beckett

As you can imagine, we've just been in a super special, dreamy, surreal, amazing, crazy place ever since Miss Beckett arrived! The days are running together, in a good way, and we're just loving being parents our perfect little girl. Here are a few pictures from our first week of parenthood.
Day 1: Beckett Meets her Family- Mimi, Papa, Uncle E, Gigi, Aunt Devie, Uncle Z
Day 2: Beckett Goes Home to Her New Life and meets her fur siblings
Day 3: Beckett Loves an Early Hands Free Swaddle
Day 4: Beckett tests out her activity mat 

Day 5: Beckett gets her first sponge bath
Day 6: Beckett celebrates Valentine's Day in the cutest outfit thanks to Aunt Devie and Uncle Z
Day 7: Gigi visits and gives Beckett bottled mom milk - she loves it!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm a Mom!

At 10:59 p.m. last night, Beckett Grace Martin arrived, measuring 8 pounds 1 oz. and 20” long! It was a long 23 hours, but Beckett arrived healthy and hungry and we’re all doing great.
I am in love with the most perfect baby girl! More soon!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So... My Kate Spade Bag Came In...

Yes, cute bag and all, but NOT what I ordered! Reminder - this is what I ordered:

Not even close right?!

This is pretty much how it played out:

  • I call the Katre Spade line: No problem! Just send it back and we'll refund you. Um, okay, but I want the bag I ordered. Oh! Well we're sold out. BUMMER
  • After some coaxing, she puts me on hold and finds it at a store in Chicago that agrees to honor the cyber sale price and send free shipping - so same price only it will take longer to arrive obviously. WINNING
  • I call the Chicago store and they want my credit card information - what? why? I already paid for it? They said it's a separate transaction. BUMMER
  • I call back the Kate Spade line, they say to just give the store my credit card and they'll refund me next day (for the wrong bag) assuming I send back the wrong bag tomorrow... okay kinda winning?
  • I call back the store, order the bag, and she even agrees to 2-day shipping for free since, you know, I'm about to have a baby and am not going to be here next week to get the bag off my front porch. WINNING
  • I go to repack the wrong bag and the UPS label they told me to use isn't there... BUMMER
  • I call back the Kate Spade line and they confirm... it's not there. They say they'll get UPS to email me a new receipt, I can print it and ship it back and until then they won't refund my money. Oh, and it will take at least 3 business days for me to get the email from UPS. BUMMER
  • After additional coaxing and escalation to a supervisor, they refund my money today and ask that I ship "as soon as I can" and to be on the lookout for the label in my inbox. I remind them, in full transparency, that this is not a priority at all as i'll likely be in the hospital next week delivering my first child and, had they sent the right back or at least the label, we wouldn't be having this conversation, and they say that's fine, take your time... WINNING
GOOD GOSH! All in all, SUPER nice people, very helpful (and ALL of the above took about 15 minutes total - they answered within like 5 seconds each time I called like I was calling my mom or something!) but WTF, Kate Spade New York, on sending the wrong bag and THEN not sending the return label! (and, let's face it, for making a very pregnant woman fear for a minute that this was her fault and she ordered the wrong bag and that she'd lost her mind). Let's all just hope that the right bag arrives on Friday and that I like it because OMG if after all of this I don't like it i'm seriously going to overheat. 

K - enough from me - going to go have some ice cream!
Q: Any random customer service stories you'd like to share?! Entertain me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nursery Planning: Beckett's Room Itemized!

I've gotten a few questions about Beckett's room - its color, where I got the lamps, etc.! Here goes!


  • Brands/Stores Used:  Ikea, Pottery Barn/Pottery Barn Kids, Three Sprouts, several Etsy shops, West Elm and Wal-Mart.
  • Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Smoke Embers

I had SO much fun decorating this room and getting it ready for little Beckett. I hope she loves it as much as we do, and I definitely hope we find it as functional as we do fun!

Q: What are your favorite stores/brands when it comes to decorating?!

Monday, February 4, 2013

How Kate Spade Squeezed Into My Life

Now I've never had anything against Kate, I had just never purchased any of her items. If I was going to get a bag I would tend to go Coach or Michael Kors (such good sales!), and I honestly didn't know she made anything else besides bags! Then, earlier in my pregnancy, I heard she had cute diaper bags. It was true! I found this one at the outlets over the summer and LOVED it, my first Kate Spade purchase: Beckett's Diaper Bag. 

Then, about 3 weeks ago, I realized my ray-bans were gone. Gone, gone, gone. Have no idea where they are, but am still holding out hope that they'll show up! (fun side bar, when looking up the ones I lost I realized their name was Ray Ban 'Big Glamour' - Billy, my co-worker, pointed out that BG is Big Glamour and has since called my soon-to-be daughter Big Glamour LOL).

In the meantime, I needed some shades so I went to Nordstrom. I'm a polarized sunglasses kind of person and apparently this limits you very much. My choices were essentially Ray-Ban (no! what if the others turned up and then I had two pair?), Maui Jim (no! This is Austin's brand, masculine to me and they almost all have nose pieces which get stuck in my hair when they're on my head) and Kate Spade. Hmmm, we meet again! I tried on several of her pair and LOVED these, my second Kate spade Purchase:  her Lulu Polarized Glasses to replace my Big Glamour Ray-Bans.
So far they have been great! Love the shape, they fit well on my smallish face and they stay up good in my hair (I know you're not supposed to do that but it's a necessity for me!). 

So that was it - 2 Kate Spade purchases. Well... somehow Kate got my email. This morning she sent me an email about a 75% off "secret sale" with an extra 25% AND free shipping. Kate knows how to get me to open an email. Now, I told myself, I will ONLY consider a purchase if it's one of the two things I've had my eye on: a black wallet with silver (not gold!) accents OR a blue bag (came CLOSE to buying a blue Coach over the holidays but just didn't love it). Well... low and behold this blue bag was on the site! Originally $428 (never have I ever!), for $169 + 20% off (so $136) + free shipping! (at this rate - sure to arrive before Beckett, or BG, or Big Glamour). There you have it, my third Kate Spade Purchase: The Grant Park Shelby Bag in Dark Lapis.
love the color and classic leather
heart it's surprising square shape - different than what I have!
A little nervous about the light interior - i'll just have to be careful to not get it dirty on Day #1
For scale only not color! This pic surprised me though - happy to see she is a good size !
There you have it. Never knew I was such a fan but as I looked around I REALLY like her stuff and she makes super cute clothes and shoes (now that my swollen body is looking into any of that right now but still, good to know for future reference!). :)

Q: Any brands sneak up on you lately? Kate definitely came out of left field, and I feel like World Market may be coming in for the kill - more on that later!

Happy Monday! Hope you all had great weekends! I'm 6 days out from my due date so, as you can imagine, this weekend was a whole lotta discomfort, sleep, water and TV - any day now!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

January 2013 Goal Assessment; February Goals!

Happy Saturday! I hope you're all having great weekends. I'm definitely relaxing - laid up in the bed watching Project Runway and reading your blogs. :) I'm also looking at our goals - can't BELIEVE January is over and i'm officially in the month that Beckett is due - eek! K - focusing - Here is what we set out to accomplish in January 2013, and how we did! 
  1. Make 2 new recipes. DONE - I posted the Pork Fried Rice and I need to post the Spaghetti Pie!
  2. Purge unwanted/unused items and donate or Craiglist them. DONE; I purged SO much stuff, and I have 8 items listed on Craigslist now - if they don't sell soon I'll store them or donate them (it's mostly art!)
  3. Read 2 books. (Beckett-related: New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding and On Becoming Baby Wise) DONE - read both books, and am almost done with Happiest Baby on the Block
  4. Carry my video camera around – shoot video!  not done - thinking i'll start filming when Beckett gets here!
  5. Make 2010 Photo Book not done - thinking i'll move to February!
  6. Finalize household budget not done  -moving to February!
  7. Have entryway and hallway painted  DONE - very happy with how it turned out - pics coming once we get the art back up!
  8. Paint Living room and guest room DONE - we also painted a second guest room and the study downstairs!
  9. Have pool table shipped to Birmingham & Austin moved to office; rearrange house accordingly! Almost done - we didn't get Austin moved into an office but we DID get the pool table out and were able to rearrange a good bit. Still have more to do though with the room Austin is working out of, and getting the study set up!
  10. Buy bookcases, desks, dining chairs, etc. We bought the dining chairs, but haven't done the bookcases and desks - moving to February!
  11. Upgrade all door knobs These are on the list for this weekend -so February it is!
All in all, i'm super happy with what all we did this month! Having the whole house painted definitely created a lot of To-Dos that I didn't entirely anticipate, but we're so happy with the new colors and really appreciate Sharon's help with the colors, and my mom and sis's help getting the ho use back in order!

So what are we going to take on in February? Well, being that Beckett is due in 8 days, not much! BUT, if we have free time (which i'm sure we will - I hear caring for a newborn is super easy LOL), we'll tackle the below:

1. Make 2 new recipes.
2. Monitor Craigslist items; store or donate if they don't sell.
3. Read 2 books (Beckett-related: Happiest Baby on the Block & Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
4. Shoot video of Beckett! Begin taking much more video and of course Beckett photos.
5. Make 2010 Photo Book
6. Finalize household budget.
7. Create Study! Buy bookcases, desks, etc. - hang items, decorate, finish it!
8. Create Guest Room! Once Austin is in office, move furniture in, decorate, finish it!
9. Upgrade all door knobs - only about 5 left!
10.  Hang art up stairwell; find bench for Remy; update Master Bedroom; find mirror for entryway

Q: What is one thing you accomplished in January that you're most proud of, and what's one thing you hope to accomplish this month? I'm most proud of all of the work we did at the house - between the new carpet, paint, tile and more it's really coming together and i'm super excited! February will be all about Beckett, starting with my goal if a safe delivery to a happy little girl!

For more on goals, past goals, past assessments, how I set goals, etc., visit here!