Weight: 129.5 this morning
Calories: 1,541 (barely in REC zone: 1200-1550; 344 more than yesterday)
Fat: 47 (7 below REC zone: 32-56; 22 more than yesterday)
Carbs: 209 (in REC zone: 163-236; 29 more than yesterday)
What I ate:
Breakfast: Banana and a Jimmy Dean D-light
Lunch: Out to lunch at Chequers: 6 oz. herb crusted tilapia, ¾ cup mashed potatoes, 5 spears of asparagus, and 1 biscuit with 1 tbsp margarine
Snack: 1 granola bar
Snack 2: 3 mini snickers, 2 mini kit kats and 3 starbursts
Dinner: Lean Cuisine Spinach and Mushroom
What I did at the gym:
3 chest exercises
3 tricep exercises
3 leg exercises
3 miles on treadmill (walking 4 mph): burned 203 calories
Overall Assessment: In the end, I had 1,541 calories coming in and expended 202 on the treadmill, leaving me at 1,339 calories – which is a little high for today. Today I started out starving so I had a banana then ate a Jimmy Dean d-light. I was satisfied but got hungry around 11:30 thinking I was eating in, so I ate a granola bar… then I went out to lunch with co-workers…. my downfall. I rarely go out but love them and wanted to go… I was great to choose what I chose… but I should NOT have had the biscuit/butter, too. I didn’t need it and it added a lot of unnecessary calories/fat to my diet. Then I guess I said “what the heck? I’ve already thrown in the towel” and at my 3 p.m. brainstorm I had TONS of candy. Boo – I’m disappointed. It’s hard to go out to eat and not really know what you’re taking in, and to pass up candy in meetings. Like what do I put down for herb crust? I don’t know! Anyway, eating out is the hardest which is why I’m not going to do it often. And if/when I go back to chequers, I’m going to pass on the biscuit! I can do it! I’m a little nervous about tomorrow’s weigh in – but what are you going to do? If I’ve gained back I’ll just try harder tomorrow!
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