Happy Sunday aka my last day of T-giving holidays! Yesterday was a great day - we got up early, packed up the car and headed back to Atlanta! We quickly unpacked, showered, put together a couple of recipes and before we knew it Mary & Scott were over - time to head over to Mel & Jon's to watch the Iron Bowl. We thought it was going to be a bit of a blowout, and it kind of was, but it was still fun! We got to see Mel & Jon's little 2-year-old Madison, as well as Terry & Sara's little 3-month old Samantha. The guys made awesome brats and homemade rosemary fries - WOW. Everything was excellent, we had a few drinks, and had a great time catching up with everyone. I didn't take any pics,
but DO have Thanksgiving pics and a Thanksgiving recipe!
Thanksgiving Club Sandwiches
Makes 2 Servings
Nutritional Information: 390 calories, 51 carbs, 9 fat grams and 25 protein grams.
LOVED. Super creamy due to the mayo blend and cheese, soft and still crispy due to broiling and the cranberries and arugula added a nice twist. This was a yummy way to use our leftovers - it makes me want to keep cooked turkey around! You could easily take this down in calories by using a less caloric roll. This way you could add a side salad to make up those calories. While it was filling, it may be more filling this way.
The inside! |
Check out the recipe on Healthified Kitchen! And here's some pics from Thanksgiving - such a great, relaxing week. Still can't believe I haven't been to the office since the 16th!
Austin and baby Dane who seriously makes mornings awesome! |
Dane and his GG - Reuben LOVED little Dane, very curious! |
Dane loved Reuben too! He loves dogs - such a sweet boy. |
I got to give Dane a few of his bottles - such a good little eater! |
Dev fed him too - he's doing great on his new solid foods! |
Hanging with the two sweetest boys! |
Austin hung with his two boys - his brothers E & Tyler! |
Where was Remy? Exploring the WHOLE time - I snapped this pic of her running around in the kitchen! |
Michelle set a beautiful T-giving table - all 9 of us were able to eat together! |
We ate lots of yummy stuff, including these carrots |
and dev's squash bake |
and Paul's brussels |
Plenty of food to go around! |
Q: What was the highlight of your Thanksgiving?! Mine was definitely all of the family fun, relaxing, going through magazines, getting some of my to-dos done, overindulging and just having SUCH a great time off with Austin and the pups.
Q: What are you doing with your leftovers?! Any yummy turkey dishes you're making?!
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