Sunday, November 20, 2011

Healthified Chicken Lo Mein, Parliament Funkadalic

Happy Weekend! I hope you're all having a good one! Mine has been great - super relaxing, chill and fun! Before backing up, here is one of the new recipes I made:
Chicken Lo Mein 
Makes 4 Servings
Recipe inspired by Blog Chef

Nutritional Information: 467 calories, 63 carbs, 6 fat grams and 37 protein grams.

Somen noodles are kind of awesome. Even without any sauce, they have a lot of flavor straight out of the pot plain. On to the dish – it was a lot of food and very filling. The veggies added a lot of crunch and flavor, and the sauce made up of spices and cornstarch had a great taste and went well with the somen noodles. Great dish, Austin was a fan, we’ll be having it again!

Outside of the kitchen, backing up, Thursday we headed over to Athens for a George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic concert. SO fun! We met up with Austin's bros for dinner at Last Resort Grill - yum! I had the vegetable patch - loved the sauteed veggies, especially the butternut squash - tis the season. After dinner we headed over to the Georgia Theatre for the concert. They put on SUCH a show. I loved the randomness of the 25+ people on stage, just coming and going, on and offstage, picking up an instrument every once in a while to play, etc. George was a hoot in his huge robe. Good stuff all around! Afterwards we hit up a couple of bars then headed back Austin's paarents' place in Athens to sleep in as we had the day off Friday - WOO!
So excited to see them - one of Austin's favorites bands!
Waiting for the show to start - we were one of the first people there which was important to me as I wanted a bar stool!
Yes, George was having a time. And yes, everyone on stage right here was part of the band - people were in and out, on and offstage with what looked like no rhyme or reason - loved it.
Then they brought up tons of people from the crowd - awesome!
Good times! 
Friday was my first day of total relaxation! Just drove home from Athens, chilled, did laundry, read magazines - kind of glorious. Also watched a ton of Law & Order with Austin and ordered in Chinese!

Saturday I woke up feeling amazing and well-rested! Turned over and it was 8 a.m. - NICE! I had a full day of productivity, cooking 4 new recipes, doing ALL the laundry (like the random stuff like comforters, dog beds, etc.), tackling the closets (again - oy) and getting started on Christmas shopping (online only!). Great day! Before I knew it, it was time to get ready for dinner with Lincoln, Shana, Ashley & Sharon! We picked up Linc & Shana and headed to Pura Vida Tapas. Linc & Shana has been and me and Austin thought we had, too, but it was a different spot and even better then the one we had been thinking of! The food was seriously excellent! Me and Austin split the Steamed Coconut Buns, charred mushrooms and beef empanadas - EXCELLENT. Then we headed over to Frontpage News and saw a fun band - The Geeks. It was cute - fun shirts, the dorky glasses with the bandaid, superman capes - pretty cute! It got late quick, as it always seems to do when you're having fun! So we headed out and headed home to the poodles! Still need to download pics!

Today has been another chill, relaxing day. More magazines, more poodle time, more cooking and then a family lunch with Austin's parents, brothers, and grandpa at Seasons 52. LOVE this restaurant of course! Today I had the blackened fish tacos. Fabulous! Now i'm back home with the poodles catching up on blogs - not too shabby!

Q: Are you a fan of funk? I love almost all of his songs - they're just so fun!

Q: What did you do this weekend?! Good times?! I hope so. :)