So today a few exciting things happened! Well, really, just one. I don’t get out much. We had our trees cut down! Here’s some before and after’s!!
Before (note the for sale sign during March 2009) I vividly remember saying, "love the house, hate the trees." I've since been calling them, as my sister coined, the tree monsters.
I'm pretty happy! Stacy says, "it looks like your house got its eyebrows waxed." I totally agree, and I think it's like a haircut, it takes some getting used to! Devon agrees, we definitely need to remove that bush "the gum drop" in the front by itself looking all random. Sidebar to laura: Stacy doesn't live in Acworth - her party was there at her future in-laws - that commute would be awful! She lives in Smyrna!
My only complaint? I asked for 6' tall. It's on the quote. These seem 5' to me... I know that may seem picky, but that's like 15% shorter... I'm going to measure later when Austin gets home...
What do you think?
Other than the trees it was a pretty normal day. Just work, took lunch to cook green salsa chimichangas and easy thai curry. Tomorrow i'm off work and plan to cook for the party, chill, go banking, etc. I love saying "go banking" rather than "go to the bank" - it sounds so much spicier. And it's fun because my friend Lauren works there - I already FBed to make sure she'd be in so I can make the visit more fun. If only I knew someone who worked at a gas station - i'm REALLY bad about going there (really bad...) but if it was a social call I feel certain I would! I'm rambling...
So you may be wondering, what in the H has that little Reuben been up to? Burning question, right? Mostly just this...

Yeah, I don't feel like a dummy at all for spending $ on new toys... He's also SUPER excited as his best friends, Cassie and Daisy, are coming in town this weekend via Teresa & Forrest - woo! Here's a pic of them tailgating a couple years back. I mean really - be cuter.

I'll have to get an updated pic of them this weekend in their green gear!!
Are you doing anything fun for St. Patty's?! We have a beer fest! I hope i'm feeling better.
Oh Kelly, you KNOW all about my fears with prednisone - 20 pounds in 2 weeks! Yikes!! BUT, my dosage was not a normal dosage. My doctor prescribed waaaay too much for me + it was combined with my wedding/honeymoon and then Thanksgiving a few days later. So I think you'll be just fine. I've taken it since then when I was on our 2nd honeymoon and had poison ivy and was on the correct amount, so I didn't have any negative side effects.
Your house looks great!! Love what your friend said about having it's eyebrows plucked, so true!! haha! ;) Definitely though call them to put in the trees you wanted if they're not the size you agreed on!!
you guys really have a gorgeous house.
no plans this weekend except for a 5 mile run.
I LOVE your house!
LOL! Reuben is a stinker :)
I"m hoping I feel better as well. 2 days of not working..i'm going crazy!
I like the trees.
What Beer fest are you going to? A friend of mine talked about going to the one at the Park Tavern on Saturday but I don't know if we're going to go.
Ooooohhhhh!!!! the trees look BEAUTIFUL!!!! Yay!!!
I agree: the gumball has got to go now. Maybe replace it with a smaller scale shrub? :)
Your trees really did get a haircut! It's like when you ask your stylist for shoulder-length and she gives you a bob. If you agree on 6", then give them a call and let us know what their explanation is. ;)
I'm glad that Stacy doesn't commute as far as I thought! 75-285 would be just awful!
Oh my gosh your house is gorgeous! What a dream home.
your house is fantastic.
I like the tree monsters getting waxed. You can see your beautiful home better now.
You've definitely given the house a face-lift! I love the eyebrow comment. So true! Have a great Friday!
omg i love puppy best friends :) makes me smile. love your new trees! they look great! and this weekend i'm going to a st pattys bar crawllllllllllll! woo
What a beautiful house!
i love those trees!! your house looks awesome!
The house looks great!!! Sorry to hear that you're sick!
With the prednisone, did you wean yourself off of it? Those types of meds are supposed to be weaned, if not they can cause weight gain!! Yikes!
Um, I totally feel like a celebrity...I was mentioned twice in this blog! (beauty queen wave...tear...) LOL!
Love, love, love the trees! They fit perfectly.
And can I just say that I also love when you say 'scare bear?' That makes me laugh. :)
I am glad you are feeling better.
Your house looks like a completely different house. Good call on the trees.
We have a family road race we are competing in. It should be fun!
The new trees look fantastic!
Beautiful house, and the trees look very nice now. I think I've mentioned this before, but when things get really crazy I actually imagine living in your house. It's so beautiful inside and out... Okay, I'm weird, I know... I don't read any other blogs that show home/decorating pics & ideas, so I always love it when you show us your dining room, or your kitchen, etc...
Hope the meds go well.
Happy weekend! :)
Ugh, I didn't know that these sorts of things happened with prednisone. Does the weight come off if you stop taking it?
Bodger's breeder told me that she doesn't spend money on nice doggy toys anymore because all of her Frenchies just prefer plastic water bottles. And Bodger loves those the best. We just take of the label, the cap, and the stiff ring on the neck, and he's good to go. I think dogs like the funny crinkling sound the bottles make. You should try it with Reuben!
Beautiful house, and the trees look very nice now. I think I've mentioned this before, but when things get really crazy I actually imagine living in your house. It's so beautiful inside and out... Okay, I'm weird, I know... I don't read any other blogs that show home/decorating pics & ideas, so I always love it when you show us your dining room, or your kitchen, etc...
Hope the meds go well.
Happy weekend! :)
Um, I totally feel like a celebrity...I was mentioned twice in this blog! (beauty queen wave...tear...) LOL!
Love, love, love the trees! They fit perfectly.
And can I just say that I also love when you say 'scare bear?' That makes me laugh. :)
I like the trees.
What Beer fest are you going to? A friend of mine talked about going to the one at the Park Tavern on Saturday but I don't know if we're going to go.
your house is fantastic.
I like the tree monsters getting waxed. You can see your beautiful home better now.
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