Gossip Girls was SO GOOD. Although I just dislike that Vanessa so much and what she did to Jenny was WAY WORSE than what Jenny did to her. The whole Serena/Dan storyline was just stupid and lame – and both of those people they were going on dates with annoy me. Blah. And I can’t wait until next week to see what Chuck knows!! Awesome. Other than Gossip Girls I just watched some 70’s Show reruns and read more of Certain Girls. I really like it… Anyway, I ended up at 1,531 calories, 27 fat grams and 230 carbs- not bad! Only my fat grams were under and the rest were all in. I have the hardest time getting my fat grams in. Blah. Here’s what I ate.
Today is going good so far. Woke up weighing 121 – YES – I just knew yesterday’s 123 was a fluke! Hehe I also made some more #s – I forgot how much I liked including those in my posts. So far I’ve just had my breakfast sandwich and a lean cuisine pizza, and me and Stacy went walking 3 miles at lunch so I feel great! I’m craving tacos for dinner and, oddly, think I have all of the stuff on hand to make yummy boca soy crumbles tacos! (Austin hates when I call them that). In deeper thought, I don’t have fat free sour cream or lettuce, but I DO have fat-free, tortillas, fat free grated cheddar, taco seasoning/sauce and onions and tomato… hmmmm. Anyway, hope you all are having good days – can’t wait to hit the gym later and knock out another 2 miles, biceps, triceps and abs – YAY!