Wonder what we're looking at?! The amazing birthday girl breaking it down! LOL She's awesome!
Here’s today’s bulleted nutshell.
- Work sucked. It just sucked. I dealt with a lot of BS. Boo.
- A girl was SO rude in the parking deck at the gym. Long story short: I was waiting on a space, the guy told me he was up a way so I reversed. While reversing with my signal on a girl flew around the corner and put her signal on. I gestured that it was my space; I’d been waiting. But she kept her signal on. The guy backed out and I started to pull in and she tried to pull in the space and almost hit me!! Then I just looked at her (she knew she was wrong) so she backed out a big then SCREAMED eff you, flicked me off and honked her horn. Psycho.
- I did get in 5.5 miles cardio and strength training (biceps & back).
- Our awesome realtor brought moving boxes over today! So sweet! The office even emailed to let us know (I know, crazy) and offered to put them in our apartment for us. We let them. Very nice (of Amanda… the office must have an ulterior motive…).
- I made a new recipe – Curried Chicken Salad! I’ve been trying to find the credit, and thanks to hyperlinking found it when I pasted it in - woot! Got it at Sweetnicks.com - GREAT website with lots of yummy recipes. We mixed it up a bit and made it for 2 servings. (recipe below)
- We emailed the office and they said they’d send another pest control guy out tomorrow to identify the bugs (after we told them that they’re beetles, they’re nocturnal and pest control can’t get rid of them). So we reminded them that tomorrow they will not be there… they’re nocturnal. We offered to catch some. We quickly filled a ziplock bag with 5 or so. Ew.
- In an effort to pack I’m reading magazines so I don’t have as much to pack. That’s the same thing, right? (and thanks, Pissy, for all of the amazing mags – oodles and oddles of procrastinating fun!)
- I ended up at 1,650 calories, 202 carbs and 46 fat grams – not bad – especially with the mileage factored in!
- Here’s what I ate.

Curried Chicken Salad Sandwich
2 servings
· 4 whole black peppercorns
· 2.5 cups water
· 1 bay leaf
· 1 tsp minced garlic
· 2 tsp lemon juice
· 8 oz. chicken tenders; cut into 1” cubes
· 1 tbsp spicy brown mustard
· 1 tbsp honey
· ½ tsp curry powder
· ½ tsp lemon pepper
· Salt
In a large saucepan over high heat, add peppercorns, bay leaf, garlic, lemon and water; cover and bring to a boil. Add chicken and cook, uncovered and stirring occasionally, 7 to 10 minutes until no longer pink; drain. In a large bowl, combine mustard, honey, curry powder, lemon pepper and salt; stir in chicken. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours. Divide into two servings and serve on low-calorie wheat bread. Nutritional Facts: 245 calories, 3 fat grams, 26 carbs and 32 protein grams.
Our thoughts: We LOVED IT, but next time I will add 2 extra ounces of chicken to bring the total to 10 oz. – which will add 31 calories, .3 fat grams, 0 carbs and 6.6 grams protein, bringing each serving to 276 calories, 3.3 fat grams, 26 carbs and 38.6 protein grams – great sandwich! (this includes bread) Aside from adding the chicken, we also think it should have a few pieces of crunchy romaine lettuce! And down the road, I want to serve it with a small salad with fat free ginger dressing!
What a nasty little biotch...(hahah mean girls anyone?!) Sorry you had a crappy day - but glad that you made it better with your attitude!
I got the willies thinking about catching beetles in a ziploc. yuck!!
My fav lunch spot in Nashville had the BEST curried chicken salad. I'm definitely going to try your recipe!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
Sorry about the rude lady at the gym. I was getting steamed just reading about it. Lame sauce!
That curried chicken salad looks pretty sweet! I'm going to have to add it to my list of "Recipes I've ganked from Kelly"
By the way, what ethnicity are you? You have such purty hair!
Balanceisbest: I know, right?! Crazy biotch. I think my workout helped too - "walk it out." hehe Oh I know, girl - they're still alive this morning! so funny - I made this one from trying to match another at one of my favorite lunch spots in Atlanta!! This was my second attempt but I think I got it!!
Mica: response on your blog!
.......I think I would have gotten out of that car and kicked that girls butt. Forget working out, we could have a boxing match right then and there. I'm no bitch, but I refuse to be ran over, so i guess that's why some people think I can be. NOT saying you allowed yourself to be "ran over" AT ALL, just saying in other situations I would be like that! LOL YOU know what I mean!
Only two blasted days of work left! Any plans for the weekend?
love that pic of you guys! so cuteee! and ewwwwwwww I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT girl in parkign lots. AH! how rude. brush it off girl, shes nasty. Curried chicken salad is SO good with apples!!!! chop some up and put it in there, its an awesome addition. love it:) have a wonderful day chica!
People get so crazy when it comes to driving!
The pictures of you are so cute! Way to move:) I have 3 friends that are named Sheri! Crazyness!
gym people suck. sorry about your bad experience. gimmie her name and ill hunt her down. Ihad someone do that at the mall but the drove down the aisle THE WRONG DIRECTION, whipped in front of me and stole the spot. driving the wrong way! I got out completely ready to rip them a new one, but saw they had a baby in the car, so i left it alone.
PF: I wanted to! Haha Love it! I refuse to be ran over to (notice I still got the effing space! Haha). And when I walked in the front door I said, “people in your parking lot are crazy.” The 3 office staff smiled and said “yeah… the rain makes people crazy.” I responded, “yeah, apparently crazy enough to try to hit me then say fuck you and flick me off.” Then I walked off to get changed. Hehe I DO know what you mean – people freaking suck. This weekend I’m going to E-town!!!!
DG: Thanks!! Oh I know, right?! Total – you have to – she’s VERY nasty! Oooh thanks for the rec!! I heard raisins were good too!! Thanks, girl!!
Eat, Live, Love Dream: I know! Especially here… road rage capital of the south… Thanks!! Haha awesome! Isn’t it funny?! I didn’t meet any until college – love it!
Pissy: I KNOW – they’re hateful. YES- I SO thought of that – crazy town. Yes- can’t WAIT!
Every Gym’s Nightmare: hehe they DO. I will – I’ll track her and get back to you! Oh no they didn’t!!! Boo hiss! Oh… who does that with a baby in their car? What a bitch.
YIKES about that biatch at the gym. Seriously, what is wrong with people?! Geez. At least you got in a good workout! You are so consistent with your workouts and eats. That is so admirable to me!
wow people in parking lots are out of control! that recipes sounds yummy. i love curry!
wow people in parking lots are out of control! that recipes sounds yummy. i love curry!
gym people suck. sorry about your bad experience. gimmie her name and ill hunt her down. Ihad someone do that at the mall but the drove down the aisle THE WRONG DIRECTION, whipped in front of me and stole the spot. driving the wrong way! I got out completely ready to rip them a new one, but saw they had a baby in the car, so i left it alone.
YIKES about that biatch at the gym. Seriously, what is wrong with people?! Geez. At least you got in a good workout! You are so consistent with your workouts and eats. That is so admirable to me!
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