So Sunday was pretty much over, ending with YUMMY pizza! Regardless of my lack of posting, I have been keeping up with Spark People and weighing – YAY! Sunday ended up at 1,693 calories, 244 carbs and 54 fat grams - but it was BAD food! Like pizza, ramen and Cheetos – oh my! Haha oh well – every girl needs a crazy day, right?! Here’s what I ate.

Monday was exhausting. Work has been killer. Getting ready for the closing has been killer. I’ve had ZERO free time – blah. The only really exciting thing that happened outside of getting tons of work done and getting lots of house stuff behind us was that we loaded up my car with stuff to take to “our house” the next night (assuming the closing went well!). Very fun. I didn’t work out Monday – had a lunch meeting and after work I raced home to pack and get Reuben (exterminators had come – the bugs are GONE!) I ended up at 1,695 calories, 179 carbs and 71 fat grams – but I was “bad” at lunch (caprese salad + pizza slice) and then a caved in a 3 p.m. meeting and had FAR too many mini reese’s cups. WOW – I’m such a stress eater. I ended up at 1,695 calories, 179 carbs and 71 fat grams – not awful but not great either. Here’s what I ate.
Tuesday I left the house so excited with a car full of guest room linens – woo! I stayed busy all morning then took off at 11:30 for my closing!! Austin had put in SO much for the closing – he was basically heading up all of the lending stuff – getting our rates set, working with the lenders, lawyers and seller’s agent, etc. He did an AMAZING job and it went seamlessly thanks to his efforts on the front end (i.e. he got the closing documents early and noticed several errors that saved us SO much time during the closing). It was actually fun!! I got to catch up with Amanda and we got lots of great info from the very nice seller and his agent/fiancé who were both very nice. And Amanda got us a way-too-generous gift – she’s too sweet. She got us the CUTEST change-of-address cards already stamped and stuck with labels she made with our new address. Then she gave us a bunch of sheets of labels and a very nice Pottery Barn gift card (she knows us too well!). She really helped make it an extra special day, especially since it was kind of rainy and we had to go back to work!! Back at the office I flew through the day, headed to the gym for a 4-mile walk then made it up to the new house from the office in TWENTY MINUTES – awesome! When I got there me and Austin each pulled into our own spaces in the garage (awesome!) and quickly took the bags in, unloaded them and took down all of these fugly valences that had been irking us. I can’t describe how great it felt to be in the house. We’re just SO READY you know and it’s been a long time to get here and DANG if we could have moved in that day I would have! We followed each other back home, made dinner and spent time with Reuben. Then it was back to work for me – blah. I finally passed out around 11:30 p.m. – ending my day at 1,691 calories, 256 carbs and 29 fat grams – pretty high on carbs! And apparently I’m taking this new 1,700 calorie ceiling pretty dang seriously! Haha Here’s what I ate.

Today was exhausting – I was just SO tired but I knew if I could just get through today it would all calm down at work and we’d have the bulk of the tiny house details done! Austin met the hardwood installers at the house – the wood is in and acclimating! I took my lunch to go buy two bed frames (for the guest beds), get my new checks, get my change-of-address forms done and call my credit cards to change my address – yay! After work I had to forgot working out again – I just had to! So I came home and got in bed. SO TIRED. I did a load of laundry… I packed a box… it was all I had in me though. No working out (again) – just a trip to return some library books. I’m hoping tomorrow I can knock out lots of work and 2 workouts – during lunch and after! I’m ready to get some walking done!! We had a yummy dinner of the chicken tenders from the chicken parmesan recipe with sweet potato fries and lots of ketchup – FABULOUS! By the way, I’m so over pollen. It’s making me feel awful! I haven’t even been able to wear eye makeup to work yet this week! Boo! I ended the day at 1,681 calories, 215 carbs and 50 fat grams. Here’s what I ate.
EXCITING RECAP! I can't imagine how exhausted you must be....I hope you can rest soon! :)
Congrats, you homeowner, you!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
So exciting! Congratulations:) I love reading about your Atlanta area adventures since I'm from Savannah and graduated from UGA!
Congratulations, new homeowner! How exciting!
And I am totally a stress eater too. I devoured samoas tonight while working on a rough draft for a paper. Boo!
heyy miss home owner! look at you struttin you stufffff :)
so happy! things will wind down soon, and you will be able to relax! its all downhill from here, and you deserve it!!
YAy for your purchase!!! So exciting! Hope you get all the rest you need now!
I'm just SO glad you've closed!!! *whew*
You know how I feel about closings: it ain't over till it's over! ;-)
I'm super excited for you, Austin and Reuben. Your little family will be so happy in your new home. :)
Love you!
major CONGRATS to you! you must be soooo excited! so much to do now with moving and everything!
:-) BIG SMILES!!! Yay for a new house.
I bet you're getting a good workout from freakin moving and unpacking, etc etc.
Tornado sirens popping up around here. eek.
YAYAY! SO happy for you guys. It must have felt great to pull into that garage. You have been searching for this home for so long! Congrats! Can't wait for photos :)
Balanceisbest: Thanks!! haha we are - I hope so too!!!
Ashley: Hi!! Thanks!! Oh fun - Athens is awesome!!
Mica: Yay - thanks! Oh I know - thank god I didn't order this year... I just can't contorl myself!
DG: Oh I know - we can't wait - really! Thanks - we think we deserve it too - we just know we'll be glad we put in the work, but we're ready for it to be over so we can reap the benefits! haha
Eatlivelovedream: Thanks - we sure hope so. :) I'm ready to settle down!
Pissy: Right - Oh I know it - I was so waiting for the other shoe to drop but it all worked out - woo!! Thanks - LOVE YOU! Can't wait for your visit.
Sweet&Fit: We ARE - I want to decorate so bad!!
Prettyface: Yay! haha yeah - I'm sure I burned tons of calories cleaning and packing (as opposed to working out - eek!). Uh-oh.... stupid weather!
Sarah W: eeee!
Thinspired: Thank you SO much! Oh it did. And it felt great having to throw away a bag of trash by walking outside... instead of down a 50' hallway to a shoot. So many things are just more convenient and more accessible - even the mailbox - woo!
YAYAY! SO happy for you guys. It must have felt great to pull into that garage. You have been searching for this home for so long! Congrats! Can't wait for photos :)
Balanceisbest: Thanks!! haha we are - I hope so too!!!
Ashley: Hi!! Thanks!! Oh fun - Athens is awesome!!
Mica: Yay - thanks! Oh I know - thank god I didn't order this year... I just can't contorl myself!
DG: Oh I know - we can't wait - really! Thanks - we think we deserve it too - we just know we'll be glad we put in the work, but we're ready for it to be over so we can reap the benefits! haha
Eatlivelovedream: Thanks - we sure hope so. :) I'm ready to settle down!
Pissy: Right - Oh I know it - I was so waiting for the other shoe to drop but it all worked out - woo!! Thanks - LOVE YOU! Can't wait for your visit.
Sweet&Fit: We ARE - I want to decorate so bad!!
Prettyface: Yay! haha yeah - I'm sure I burned tons of calories cleaning and packing (as opposed to working out - eek!). Uh-oh.... stupid weather!
Sarah W: eeee!
Thinspired: Thank you SO much! Oh it did. And it felt great having to throw away a bag of trash by walking outside... instead of down a 50' hallway to a shoot. So many things are just more convenient and more accessible - even the mailbox - woo!
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