Monday was a pretty blah day – and very ‘snacky.’ I will say traffic was a breeze as apparently luckier ones than me were not required to go to the office. Sigh. It was super quiet all day… not the setting for motivation at all. Double sigh. Me and Stacy got out for lunch and walked 3.5 miles, then I just worked until 5 and headed out to go straight home – no more gym for this one! I was so excited to make a new recipe, Cooking Light’s Santa Fe Soup.
Fail... :(
Tuesday, AKA 7/7, AKA my 27th Birthday, I woke up late. My alarm did not go off. Shit! I got up at 7:22… I normally leave the house at 7:30. I had to shower, wash my hair, get gas, etc. Shiiiiittttt. I called in and they were like OMG it’s your birthday, you’re never late, take your time. So I did. I rolled in… in the RAIN… around 9 (after horrendous traffic – 400 South traffic is def worse at 8:30 a.m. than 7:30 a.m.). I got to work and was like blah. I was late to work, it’s raining, it’s Tuesday and I’m at el trabajo on my birthday – I’m so lame! For a millisecond I regretted coming in, but then it got fun because my fabulous co-workers gave me great gifts (sweet cards, a sweet, generous Crate & Barrel gift certificate, a cake/brownies/cookies/etc.), I got phone calls, texts, emails, and FB messages from my besties, and the day seriously FLEW by.
I mean seriously... we hit this pretty hard for a 9-person team - eek!.jpg)
I did go walking 3 miles during lunch with Stacy & Sue, then after work I did another 3.5 alone (well not really alone – with Karin Slaughter’s Blindsighted – so addicted). Then I headed home to my sweet husband and pupper who got me a basil plant (yessss) and an HRM (went with the F7 – it will be delivered next week!) and awesome cards. I cleaned, up, changed, cooked lunch for tomorrow with
My sis, Devie & Mon-bon! (sorry for the quality of this photo - bad lighting!)
Me - making my own plate of panang - I mean really - that sauce packs a lot of flavor without drowning in it! And sadly, it was tail-on. Grrrrr.
My sister gave me a fab present too – an adorable new gym bag!! (I must photograph the old one…. a sad, partially faded red L.L. Bean backpack circa 2000 that my sister got me for gradulation... from high school) She also got me a cute work-out top and these Asics socks that are my absolute favorites (but that are very hard to find – boo!). Here’s a pic of the bag during my morning commute. I was at a red light. I swear.
Time flew by yet again and before I knew it we were getting home at 10:45 – eek! I threw the Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti into the oven for tomorrow’s lunch, then divided it out, went upstairs and passed out! I tried to track calories as best I could and this is what I figured: 2,118 calories, 235 carbs, 81 fat grams and 102 protein grams. It’s tough with the cookie because I had a couple of slices but I don’t know what the serving was – and then with dinner I didn’t come close to eating all of the curry/shrimp, but had more rice so I’m VERY MUCH estimating. Here’s what I ate.
Now it's Wednesday, post-birthday, still bad weather and allergy sufferers (me included) are suffering. Gah - i'm such a Downer (with a capital D for emphasis)! I am honestly VERY excited that it's Wednesday and that I have a fun weekend coming up: Friday - dinner with 2 of our favorite couples; Saturday day - lunch with a bestie and her boy driving through town on their way to the beach + possible pool shenanigans with mom & sis; Saturday night - big bash for our buddy Linc's 30th birthday + definite shanigans at the bar; Sunday - recovery... potentially pool time... definite Reuben time. WOO! What are your weekend plans?!
So FUN! Sorry the weather's crummy, but at least you had an awesome bday with great family, friends, sweet treats, and awesome gifts! (c&b gift card, F7 AND cute bag!) so awesome! Glad you had a great day. Hang in there with the allergies. I feel your pain!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
is that a le sport sac bag? It looks like it! so cute! AND i had an old llbean backpack that I used to use too...but mine was HOT pink. awesome!
glad you had a wonderful bday! and some great gifts! i loveeee the bag! and woo for the HRM :)can't wait to hear how you like it!
Happy Birthday!! That is a cute bag.
I had an LLBean backpack too. I think everyone did!
Happy Birthday! Your new gym bag is totally adorable. Good job, sis.
Sorry about the crummy weather, the long commute, and the failed recipe. As to the last one, I think the soup looks great!
Happy Birthday and what a beautiful family!!!!
Aww HAPPY BIRTHDAY pretty girl! Speaking of which, your mom is gorgeous and you guys look exactly the same!
Hope you, Austin, Reuben, and Austin's boys had a great one! ;)
Happy Birthday! I love the new gym bag. All your birthday sweets look delicious... :)
thanks for stopping by my blog! happy belated birthday! i took a look at your before and after pics...amazing! congrats!! and yes, Felicity come back please!
I honestly don't know how you do all that you do! Makes me tired just reading about it!;-)
SO glad you had a good b'day.:)
Top Spice was fun.....Monica was so entertaining!
p.s. that soup DOES look good
Happy belated Birthday! What a fun celebration! Your mom really is I see where you get it! :)
Ok I gained 200 lbs just looking at these pictures of the cookies and such for your BIRTHDAY! Happy Belated birthday cutie!! ;-) I'll have you know that you inspired me to really track all my calories and such really should be a lifetime thing to stay fit and I had totally slacked! You rock!!
;-) Love the gym bag. And I too "do stuff" while I drive. WHAT? ;-)
aww seems like such a fun night!!
love the cookie cake :)
Balanceisbest: exactly!! You're very, very right!! I'm trying - hope you're feeling better soon! haha HOT pink - love it! I'll check - it's sport something!
DG: I did - thanks! I can't wait to have it and start playing!!
Inmytummy: Thanks! haha I'm SURE - mine even had my first name across the back - woo!
Mica: Thanks! I know - sis rocks hard! Oh wow - seeing it all listed out again i'm quite the whine baby, huh?! It DID look great - Austin says I must try it again tomorrow on the 'reheat.' :)
Redhead75: Thank you - you're so sweet!
Ohlivin: Thanks, girl! Aw I think she is too - thanks so much! hehe we did!
Andrea: Thanks so much - oh they were - WAY too much food!haha
Pbperogative: Thanks you! Aww I appreciate it! I know - I hope they do a reunion - I even miss Meagan & Shawn!
Pissy: haha I had a GREAT one - thanks for making it extra special! haha Mon was en fuego! Awesome! I'm going to try it again - could be a 'me' thing!
Thinspired: Thanks!! Thanks so much - that's major compliment!! :)
Kelly: I hear you! That stuff was in my cube for almost 24 hours (or 8 hours in work time) CRAZY! Oh I'm so glad - it's just such a habit now! I hope it's already starting to come easily for you! haha I do a lot while i'm driving but really - I'm "driving" - traffic is just absurd so technically I'm just moving every once in a while... behind a wheel :)
Peanutbutter swirl: It WAS! Definitely! Thanks for stopping by - love your blog, although your header makes me HUNGRY! :)
Happy birthday!! It seems like you got some good goodies!
And your gorgeous by the way!
Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had so much fun and the people you work were so nice to get you all those yummy treats!
Thanks, April! You're too sweet! :)
Lexie - Thanks! Oh I know it - they make coming in to work on your birthday worth it. :)
cute gym bag!!! what brand is it??
Happy Birthday a couple of days late!!!!!
Sounds like it was a total blast!
You have such a beautiful family:)
happy belated - it started out poorly but it looks like you had a great birthday!
my roommate bought a panda bag!
She is just THRILLED with it and can’t put it down.
Happy birthday!! It seems like you got some good goodies!
And your gorgeous by the way!
Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had so much fun and the people you work were so nice to get you all those yummy treats!
I honestly don't know how you do all that you do! Makes me tired just reading about it!;-)
SO glad you had a good b'day.:)
Top Spice was fun.....Monica was so entertaining!
p.s. that soup DOES look good
Balanceisbest: exactly!! You're very, very right!! I'm trying - hope you're feeling better soon! haha HOT pink - love it! I'll check - it's sport something!
DG: I did - thanks! I can't wait to have it and start playing!!
Inmytummy: Thanks! haha I'm SURE - mine even had my first name across the back - woo!
Mica: Thanks! I know - sis rocks hard! Oh wow - seeing it all listed out again i'm quite the whine baby, huh?! It DID look great - Austin says I must try it again tomorrow on the 'reheat.' :)
Redhead75: Thank you - you're so sweet!
Ohlivin: Thanks, girl! Aw I think she is too - thanks so much! hehe we did!
Andrea: Thanks so much - oh they were - WAY too much food!haha
Pbperogative: Thanks you! Aww I appreciate it! I know - I hope they do a reunion - I even miss Meagan & Shawn!
Pissy: haha I had a GREAT one - thanks for making it extra special! haha Mon was en fuego! Awesome! I'm going to try it again - could be a 'me' thing!
Thinspired: Thanks!! Thanks so much - that's major compliment!! :)
Kelly: I hear you! That stuff was in my cube for almost 24 hours (or 8 hours in work time) CRAZY! Oh I'm so glad - it's just such a habit now! I hope it's already starting to come easily for you! haha I do a lot while i'm driving but really - I'm "driving" - traffic is just absurd so technically I'm just moving every once in a while... behind a wheel :)
Peanutbutter swirl: It WAS! Definitely! Thanks for stopping by - love your blog, although your header makes me HUNGRY! :)
Ok I gained 200 lbs just looking at these pictures of the cookies and such for your BIRTHDAY! Happy Belated birthday cutie!! ;-) I'll have you know that you inspired me to really track all my calories and such really should be a lifetime thing to stay fit and I had totally slacked! You rock!!
;-) Love the gym bag. And I too "do stuff" while I drive. WHAT? ;-)
aww seems like such a fun night!!
love the cookie cake :)
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