OMG – I thought we were going to die. But we didn’t – we wrapped it up then walked another ½ mile. We ended up burning 356 calories in 56 minutes – heart it! Then we were hungry – so we went back to work, worked and then rolled out at 5 p.m. – time to get the night going! I raced home, showered and we were out the door with dinner in tow! I made the turkey enchilada casserole (but with beef!) again (and black beans instead) for dinner, Mon had the oven preheated, it was all good in the hood. We got to her and Andy’s place, put on make-up, caught up and ate dinner. They had the nicest things to say about the casserole! They loved it – woo! I love feeding friends! Is there a dish you love cooking for other people?
After dinner we headed to the bar (BTW – drove about 3 miles down Peachtree next to Ludacris in his Bentley!!!). He’s the only celebrity I consistently see in Atlanta (by consistently I mean I’ve seen him one other time – when he was in his convertible Bentley and almost ran me over when I was jay walking to Tin Lizzy’s.) Anywho – he’s a super respectful driver – here’s an iPhone pic.

We got settled in and pretty soon the 4 of us were drinking it up with Stacy, Shane, Lincoln, Shana, Scott, Mary, Jay, Ruje, Kevin, Tyson, John, Jeremy, Jody, Andrew, Laura Anne, Lauren, Hilary, Randy and Nicole – great group! We started at Stout and the girls sat and chatted while the boys played flip cup (yes, the bar has flipcup/beer pong tables) – then we headed to East Andrews Upstairs for Wrong Way (sublime cover band) and a Chili Peppers cover band. Good times my friends! We danced, drank, and had an absolute blast until 2ish, where we then took a cab to a Mediterranean restaurant and everyone had gyros (I just had some hummus/pita and counted it as breakfast for the next day!) then we got home at 4ish. O.M.G.
Wonderful night! I ended up at 2,469 calories, 221 carbs, 48 fat grams and 92 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. And here’s some pics – more to come as I monopolized Shana’s camera and took 18,000 candids that I’ll likely get from her next weekend! Um… just realized my camera cord is at work. Therefore, my canon is holding Friday's shenanigans captive so now you get a look at my girly scrapbook reading room that houses my walk in accessories closet office! Please note: it’s not done. I haven’t hung all of my art, gotten a pillow for the chair or put in my flat screen (same one as kitchen one with DVD player). But it’s pretty close! I'll post Saturday and today's stuff tomorrow morning!! Hope you're all having glorious Sundays!
OMG. You make me feel so OLD. I am old! haha! We used to live in Buckhead back in 1996 right after the Summer Olympics. I saw Evander Holyfield in traffic and Andie Macdowell at the airport. Anyhoo - love your blog! Keep up the great work!
Sounds like fun. Reminds me of my life many, many, many years ago... ;)
You cook such amazing food; your friends are very lucky! :) I love making huge, "interesting" salads. I'm sort of known for them... ;)
so fun!!! Sounds like a great workout, meal, and night of partyin. Love it!!!
I also LOVE your scrapbook room!!! It looks like it's straight out of a magazine! too darn cute!
I love your girly room!
Sounds like a fun weekend! I've never seen Luda but I have seen Big Boi on Peachtree before. Good times!
Girl where are you getting those workouts? Just curious!! ;-)
I have that same leaning shelf unit! and Rueban looks like a little stuffed animal...so presh!
Sounds like another basty of a weekend girl :)
p.s. I in no way have the body of a standard model...I would have to lose like 20 pounds! But thanks for the compliment lol
sounds like fun! I never know how to count eating in the early morning.. I don't think I could skip my 7 o clock breakfast though! I'd be a starvin marvin!
and that room looks super cute! and organized!
That is amazing that you saw Ludacris! Haha! I am jealous of your scrapbook room. I need a room to myself. I would sit in there and blog and read blogs all day =)
I swear I posted a comment, but it's not here! Anyway, I love the room. And I was wondering what mediterranean restaurant you went to. I love that type of food.
That ab workout looks great, thanks for sharing!! And Rueben is just the cutest little guy!!
where did you find the leaning wall shelf? I have been looking for one but can't find the perfect one... i like this one. Oh and see you guys SOON!
omg I love your room, it's like the ikea catalog!!
Your room looks really good but I must say taht Reuben looks ADORABLE in those pictures! As in I looked at them and thought he was a stuffed animal he was so cute! Yes I am a dork...
Aww. What a cute room and pup. I love cooking just about anything for other people...we entertain pretty often and I always make wayyy too much food!
Can't wait to get back in the gym next week (have to wait til the semester officially starts to be able to use the rec...ugh!)
Love your office chair! So cute!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I don't know if I could party like that anymore.
Jacey: haha Oh fun!! Love it - I've only really seen luda. hehe Thanks, Jacey!
Andrea: haha Thanks!! Interesting salads?! That's awesome!
Balaceisbest: You got it - great weekend! Thanks, girl! Straight out of Ikea! woo!
Angie: Thanks!! I have friends that used to see Big Boi at Chastain a lot with his dog - so funny!
Kelly: I'm making them! I used to work with a trainer and so a lot is pulled from there and the rest is from magazines, pilates videos, etc.! BTW - your blog won't let me comment anymore. :( It says I need to have an account but when I try it won't let me!
Therese: Love it! It's a great little ladder shelf! It WAS! Well whatever - you look fabulous!!
April: I know! I figure if it's before 3 a.m. it's that day, after 3 a.m. it's breakfast for the following?! haha Thanks!!
Julie: Yes! Every girl needs a room to herself!
Inmytummy: I hate when that happens! I think it was Agave? It's right there by Frontporch!!
Amanda: Thanks - I love finding/sharing workouts. Oh thank you -i'm obsessed with him!!
Kelly: J.C. Penney girl! I had looked everywhere but This Young House highly recommended it!! Yes - can't wait to see you too!!!
Irunisweat: You got it! I LOVE Ikea!!
SLJ: haha thanks, girl!! He is such a perfect little poser I could see how that would happen easily! haha
Neesha: Thanks, missy! We rarely entertain (with food) - it's usually a post-party deal with alcohol - eek! Good for you!! Are you pumped?!
Anne: Thanks!! Oh you could - fo sho!! :)
Love your office chair! So cute!
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I don't know if I could party like that anymore.
omg I love your room, it's like the ikea catalog!!
where did you find the leaning wall shelf? I have been looking for one but can't find the perfect one... i like this one. Oh and see you guys SOON!
Your room looks really good but I must say taht Reuben looks ADORABLE in those pictures! As in I looked at them and thought he was a stuffed animal he was so cute! Yes I am a dork...
OMG. You make me feel so OLD. I am old! haha! We used to live in Buckhead back in 1996 right after the Summer Olympics. I saw Evander Holyfield in traffic and Andie Macdowell at the airport. Anyhoo - love your blog! Keep up the great work!
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