Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 31: Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008 Assessment

So Thursday was better in that I still weighed 125.5, and that I was much, much more focused on not being bad! However, I was depressed… about my job…. And stayed in bed all day. Seriously. Just kind of wallowed feeling sorry for myself and didn’t leave the house all day, didn’t work out, blah. I had 1,273 calories, 25 fat grams, and 201 carbs. So calories and carbs are in the REC zone, but fat is low. Random. However, that seems like a lot of carbs to me, no? What I Ate Today

That’s about it for Thursday…. When you don’t leave the house you don’t have much to say. It was nice to spend the day with sweet Reuben, which is why I posted another picture here. Love him.

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