By the Numbers
Pounds Lost: 5 (123 to 118)
Highest Weight: 123
Lowest Weight: 116.5
Pounds left to Lose: 3
Posts: 27 (5 more than November)
Days Worked out: 21 (6 more than November)
Miles of cardio: 85 (21 more than November)
Great Nutrition Days: 21
Low Nutrition Days: 0
High Nutrition Days: 10
Injuries: none! Still have pain in toe though…
Days out for injury: 0
Vacations: 2
Days out for vacation: 12
Day worked out during vacation: 6
Interesting Charts


So I’m very proud that I was able to lose five pounds this month! I hope I continue losing so I can get to my 115 goal!! January will be a fresh start, back to normal, not as much travel, etc. I’m also very proud of getting 85 miles! We, being dorks, did the math and at 15 minute miles I walked for 21.25 hours – almost a day – that’s kind of freaky! Hehe I so wish I could run and get that done quicker, but what are you going to do? Maybe one day. Here’s a look at how I stacked up to the goals I set for December.
December Goals
1. Have 10 or less high nutrition days (1,600 – 2,400). I had 10 days exactly, so not bad! Especially with all of that vacation I had and Christmas and New Year’s, etc. I’m very proud to say DONE!
2. Work out on Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I was 2/3 here – I didn’t work out on Christmas but the others I knocked out cardio only!
3. Try two classes at the gym: Body Pump and SPIN. I did not do this! Sad! I think it was just such a crazy month and squeezing in new stuff just didn’t happen. I’m going to move this goal to January. I’m excited about trying them!!
4. Get down to 115 by the end of the month – and keep it off! Well, the lowest I got in December was 116.5 so I definitely have some work to do to get to 115 and of course maintain it. Eurydice from Moving Out’s goal is to stay under 120. I think this is a perfect maintenance goal for me – but I really want to get to 115 first! So I’m going to move this goal to January.
5. Do 60 miles of cardio. DONE! I actually did 85 miles – so 25 more than planned! Therefore, for January I’m going to set my goal at 70 – mostly because I want to take the classes and clearly I’m not going to walk all those miles and spin the same day!
6. Introduce 2 new, healthy recipes at home. DONE! I introduced A LOT in December – EIGHT in fact. I’m so proud – I just love them. I will move the goal over to January to introduce 3 more!
7. Continue shopping less- and tracking what you spend every day. This was going well, but I lost track… I just can’t seem to keep up with it, especially with the holidays and traveling so much. I’m going to start fresh in January and get to tracking it.
8. Update the home blog every day – finish future dining room/master bedroom plans. This didn’t go very well. The house was so back and forth that I began getting discouraged and hence, didn’t want to decorate a house I may not get. So…I only posted 13 days in December. Not awful – but I definitely want to get on it! For next month i'll say update it 4 days/week - that's better for me!
9. Read two books. DONE! I finished listening to Jane Green’s Second Chance and LOVED IT. I really got into it and highly recommend it. Jennifer Weiner’s Certain Girls was good, too, and I loved Hunger Games! Amazing – read it QUICK. Now I’ve started two Meg Cabot Books – Avalon High on CD and Queen of Babble in print. So far they’re both cute! I’m going to try to read three books in January!
10. Work on my wedding album. This didn’t happen. I just had no motivation to do it and I want to want to do it when I do it – not have it be a chore. So I’ll move it to January and if I feel it – awesome, if not, maybe I’ll do it in February for our anniversary! :)
11. Get rid of a few things on eBay or Craigslist. Didn’t happen. I’m going to remove this one and try to take back the stuff to stores first. Wish me luck!
12. Clean out closet again and take some clothes to Plato’s Closet. DONE! I got a lot of cleaning done! Still need to do Good Will though, and I really need to help Austin tackle his closet!!
8. Update the home blog every day – finish future dining room/master bedroom plans. This didn’t go very well. The house was so back and forth that I began getting discouraged and hence, didn’t want to decorate a house I may not get. So…I only posted 13 days in December. Not awful – but I definitely want to get on it! For next month i'll say update it 4 days/week - that's better for me!
9. Read two books. DONE! I finished listening to Jane Green’s Second Chance and LOVED IT. I really got into it and highly recommend it. Jennifer Weiner’s Certain Girls was good, too, and I loved Hunger Games! Amazing – read it QUICK. Now I’ve started two Meg Cabot Books – Avalon High on CD and Queen of Babble in print. So far they’re both cute! I’m going to try to read three books in January!
10. Work on my wedding album. This didn’t happen. I just had no motivation to do it and I want to want to do it when I do it – not have it be a chore. So I’ll move it to January and if I feel it – awesome, if not, maybe I’ll do it in February for our anniversary! :)
11. Get rid of a few things on eBay or Craigslist. Didn’t happen. I’m going to remove this one and try to take back the stuff to stores first. Wish me luck!
12. Clean out closet again and take some clothes to Plato’s Closet. DONE! I got a lot of cleaning done! Still need to do Good Will though, and I really need to help Austin tackle his closet!!
Here are my goals for next month…
- Have 9 or less high nutrition days (1,600 – 2,400).
- Try two classes at the gym: Body Pump and SPIN
- Get down to 115 by the end of the month – and keep it off!
- Do 70 miles of cardio
- Introduce 3 new, healthy recipes at home
- Continue shopping less- and track what I spend every day.
- Update the home blog 4 days/week.
- Read two books.
- Work on my wedding album.
- Take back stuff we don’t want or donate it.
- Find a house – eek!
- Find a new vet – eek!
Wish me luck!!
1. i cannot wait for you to try spin - i'm probably going here in the next hour for the THIRD day in a row : ) addicted much, you think?
2. cracking me up about you helping austin with his closet - my husband and i have been at his since yesterday!!
happy new year : )
Wow! 85 miles?!?!? That's amazing!
You're doing fantastic, Sweetie!
Keep up the good work! :)
HK: I know! I can't wait either!!! haha you ARE addicted!
oh yes - by helping I mean MAKING him do it... sigh. He's a bit of a packrat... Good for you!
Pissy: Yes, LOTS of walking this month! :) I just love it and feel so good afterwards it's hard to pass it up! Thanks so much!
Your organization to your goals and how you track everything- you wow me girl!! We are going to have a fantastic 2009!! WOO-HOO!!
you wow me too!!!
and you wow me that you lose 5lbs this month!!! amazing =D
Granted I've only had my dog for 2 weeks, but we went to Briarcliff Animal Clinic and I liked it. I think it's on the pricey side though. Not sure if you live anywhere near it, but it seemed nice to me.
Kelly: Thanks so much! I'm weird with myself - if it's not organized it's like it doesn't count! :) yes we are!!!
Followmyweigh: Thanks! I was surprised, too - I think it's because I lost nothing in November - it was carry over! :)
Inmytummy: Thanks so much for the rec - i'm going to check out the locale today and see. I appreciate it!!
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