By the Numbers
Pounds Lost: 4 (119.5 to 115.5)
Highest Weight: 119.5
Lowest Weight: 115
Pounds left to Lose: 2
Posts: 27
Days Worked out: 18
Miles of cardio: 88
Great Nutrition Days: 23
Low Nutrition Days: 0
High Nutrition Days: 8
Injuries: none!
Days out for injury: 0
Vacations: 0
Days out for vacation: 1 (MLK)
Day worked out during vacation: 1
Interesting Charts
January Weight

January Calories

So not bad! I’m very proud of the weight loss and of the cardio miles!! I think I’m finding a nice balance and am really enjoying it. Here’s a look at how I stacked up to the goals I set for January.
January Goals
1. Have 9 or less high nutrition days (1,600 – 2,400). I did 8 - not bad at all! I’m very happy with how few I had and think I did a nice job of determining when to go big, and when to stay in line. Yay! DONE
2. Find a house - eek! We did great here! We saw 21. We became friends with our realtor. We’re SO CLOSE to being home owners. So I’m going to carry this one over but am VERY proud of our progress and will say DONE for now.
3. Try two classes at the gym: Body Pump and SPIN. Didn’t happen. AT ALL. :( I’m going to move this one over and vow to do this. Actually – I’ll make it one, Body Pump, I’m so intimidated by the spin peeps at my gym…. Maybe I’ll put that down for March. :)
4. Get down to 115 by the end of the month – and keep it off! Keeping it off has been a challenge. But again, I’ve decided that to maintain 115 I need to get to 113 so I can have a couple pounds to move around in and still be in range. So for now, we'll say DONE but i'll have another for February related to this.
5. Do 84 miles of cardio. Yay – proud to say I smoked my 84 and even did some extra – great cardio month. DONE
6. Introduce 3 new, healthy recipes at home. You guys I get so much from finding these recipes and giving them a whirl! I’m going to shoot for at least 3 more in February! DONE
7. Continue shopping less- and track what I spend each day. This is just not for me right now. I feel like maintaining this blog is so important to me, and so is the house blog. Doing that too was just too much. Maybe once I’m in the house we can start tracking again but in the meantime I accept defeat and will try again another month. :)
8. Update the home blog 4 days/week. This is going very well! I’m getting lots of ideas and really getting all of our ideas on “paper.” Yay! DONE
9. Read three books. I’m just LOVING the book reading – awesome. I plan to shoot for three in February as well. DONE
10. Work on my wedding album. Not happening! Moving to another month when things are less crazy. I’m kind of sad about this but know it will happen in due time and don’t want to force myself to do it if I’m not feeling it, you know?
11. Return or donate things we no longer want/need. Not happening! I need to do it… I lost my motivation. I will move this to February and try hard to do it.
12. Find a new vet for Reuben. Waiting until we buy a house - no sense in getting a vet down here if we move north. End of story. We’ll go to the one I hate in the meantime to keep Reuben up to date. He’s safe there and it’s fine… Austin said he would take him from now on as we both feel the bitchy front desk skanks will remember me. Blah.
Here are my goals for February…
1. Have 7 or less high nutrition days (1,600 – 2,400).
2. Try Body Pump at least once.
3. Take pictures of what I eat at least 3 days/week. eek!
4. Get down to 113 by the end of the month.
5. Do 84 miles of cardio
6. Introduce 3 new recipes
7. Update the home blog 4 days/week.
8. Read two books.
9. Take back stuff we don’t want or donate it.
10. Buy a house – fo’ real!
11. Organize my recipes, print them out and put them in a binder in the drawer by the fridge.
12. Organize my meal plans, print them out and create ‘grocery lists’ for each week.
Wish me luck!!
wow what an amazing month you had! when you make a goal you really stick to it! you have made such amazing strides!!
Thanks, DG! I'll be honest... one of my favorite things is the end of the month so I can kind of see where I started, how I did and get ready for the next month. Clearly it's the little things for me. Thanks! :)
I discovered your blog last week and am amazed every time I read it. You are obviously very driven and determined to meet your goals. Thanks for reminding me that I can do anything I put my mind to. :)
Congrats on the tremendous progress! You are an inspiration!
Go will kick February's ass. Congrats, again, on your goal weight!!! Still working there, but feeling good so far!
And, hey, I'm trying a spin class tomorrow (God knows I don't really want to do it)...but if I can do it-you can definitely start a new class.
hi friend - don't be intimidated by spin! come on come on i know you'll love it! : ) congrats on the progress!
Congratulations on your progress (and loss)!
That is some admirable progress, and your monthly goals are inspiring in general.
I am so happy to have found another rice lover ;)
congrats on your new feb goals and for meeting your jan goals!!
you had such an awesome month! Maybe there were a few things you didn't get to, but look at how many things you DID accomplish! keep it up girly!
Kaniel: Aw thanks so much! You’re so sweet. I’m one of those where if it’s not ‘on paper’ it’s not getting done. I operate from a list – helpful sometimes, exhausting other times. Seems to help me out with this blog though so thank you!
Neesha: Thanks! I hope so!! I really appreciate your support. :) I know it – I need to – my gym is just so… hard to explain. People just aren’t friendly!
HK: I’m trying not to be but at my gym you line up like 20 minutes before class to sign up and those peeps are ALL decked out in special shoes and pants and stuff!! I need to go to another branch – I used to work out at a location by my work (Perimeter) instead of by my home (buckhead) and it was much less snooty!
Healthy Ashley: Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by!
Thinspired: :) Thanks! I love goals. I really do! But yes, not as much as rice. I’m serious – they’d do those ‘what’s your favorite food’ things and everyone would be like pizza or hamburgers and I’d be like rice!!! Haha
Sarah W: Thanks so much! February could definitely take a turn – especially if we buy a house (factoring in packing, moving, painting, redecorating, etc.) but I just have to remember I can’t do it all at once which will help me stay on track with my goals.
Nerd Girl: Thank you! :) You’re right – definitely a great way to look at it. I think January was a great way to kick off the year!! I’ve just got to keep it up. If only I had ¼ of your motivation…. :)
Kaniel: Aw thanks so much! You’re so sweet. I’m one of those where if it’s not ‘on paper’ it’s not getting done. I operate from a list – helpful sometimes, exhausting other times. Seems to help me out with this blog though so thank you!
Neesha: Thanks! I hope so!! I really appreciate your support. :) I know it – I need to – my gym is just so… hard to explain. People just aren’t friendly!
HK: I’m trying not to be but at my gym you line up like 20 minutes before class to sign up and those peeps are ALL decked out in special shoes and pants and stuff!! I need to go to another branch – I used to work out at a location by my work (Perimeter) instead of by my home (buckhead) and it was much less snooty!
Healthy Ashley: Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by!
Thinspired: :) Thanks! I love goals. I really do! But yes, not as much as rice. I’m serious – they’d do those ‘what’s your favorite food’ things and everyone would be like pizza or hamburgers and I’d be like rice!!! Haha
Sarah W: Thanks so much! February could definitely take a turn – especially if we buy a house (factoring in packing, moving, painting, redecorating, etc.) but I just have to remember I can’t do it all at once which will help me stay on track with my goals.
Nerd Girl: Thank you! :) You’re right – definitely a great way to look at it. I think January was a great way to kick off the year!! I’ve just got to keep it up. If only I had ¼ of your motivation…. :)
Go will kick February's ass. Congrats, again, on your goal weight!!! Still working there, but feeling good so far!
And, hey, I'm trying a spin class tomorrow (God knows I don't really want to do it)...but if I can do it-you can definitely start a new class.
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