Thursday was a great day! I got lots of work done, walked 4 miles during lunch then had a new recipe for lunch – Chicken and Pasta Salad for two!

½ cup chopped, peeled cucumber
¼ cup plain fat-free yogurt
2 tbsp chopped onion
2 tbsp light mayonnaise
1 tsp mustard
1/8 tsp celery seeds
1/16 tsp salt
1/16 tsp pepper
8 oz. chicken (chopped and cooked)
4 oz. farfalle.
Combine the first 8 ingredients in a medium bowl. Add the cooked chicken and the cooked pasta, and toss well. Cover salad and chill for 1 hour. Serves 2. We really liked it – great for lunches since it’s a cold salad! Anywho, after lunch I got more work done, then went to the gym for 2 more miles, abs and back and biceps. Here’s the upper body workout I did.

Then I was feeling it – so I ran a mile – woo! 7 miles! I headed home and made dinner – Chicken in Tomato Sauce with feta – nom nom nom.

Then me and Austin preceded to have some wine, good conversation and stay up too late – good times though! We even ate dinner in our dining room for the first time – nice! I ended up at 1,871 calories, 207 carbs, 49 fat grams and 111 protein grams – not bad, especially with the 7 miles + ST factored in – woo! Here’s what I ate.
Friday I had a super productive day at work! During lunch I walked 4 miles, then after work I decided to grocery shop with my new meal plan – woo! I went to Trader Joe’s and Publix, and didn’t get home until 7 p.m. Grrr. I DID make a new recipe for dinner though from Monica’s Food Network Magazine - Fresh mozzarella BLT with pesto. Here’s the recipe for one sandwich (one serving):

1 3- to 4-inch baguette (77 grams)
3 Slices turkey bacon
1 ½ tsp pesto
1 ½ tsp fat-free mayonnaise
1 spear romaine lettuce
2 slices tomato
1 slice fresh mozzarella (28 grams)
Salt and pepper to taste.
Slice baguette open, leaving one side attached to form a hinge. Cook bacon in skillet until crispy. Combine pesto with mayo and smear on bottom of bread. Layer romaine, then tomato, bacon and mozzarella. Season with salt and pepper. Close sandwich and serve. We loved it! So yummy – a definite new fave that I plan to start bringing to work – woo! After dinner I cooked/packed for Athens then we had a repeat of the night before – wine, good conversation, music, etc. Love it not raining – I can use my backyard! Anywho – I overdrank… ended up at 2,120 calories, 239 carbs, 59 fat grams and 95 protein grams – eek! Good times though – woo!!! Here’s what I ate.
A few questions!
Where do you eat at home? Dining room, in front of the TV? Depends?
Do you watch college football? Who’s your pick?
K – have WONDERFUL weekends. I can’t wait to catch up on your blogs when I get back home and to my computer on Sunday. FYI – don’t worry about Reuben, my mom is here staying with him. Spoiled pupper!! :)
I love Athens. It reminds me of Burlington, VT where I went to school.
I usually eat at the table. Occasionally in front of the tv though. It's hard to do that with a big dog though.
I don't like football! Jason routes for South Carolina so I guess I do by default to.
We sometimes eat at our dinning room table. When the weather was nice we ate outside. More often that not, especially during the week we eat in the living room in front of the TV (hang head in shame... don't tell my mother-in-law).
Ah! So jealous! That's my alma mater!
I like to eat at the table at night but during the day, I always eat in front of the tv or computer. Bad, bad habit!
Obviously, I'm a Dawg fan through and through!
Great job with all the cardio! As a trainer, I definitely recommend doing less isolated exercises for the biceps and more back exercises. The back is a larger muscle group, burns more calories when exercising and your biceps are targeted indirectly when working the back.
I hope that advice helps, keep up the good work girl!
Mmm, I usually don't like feta, but that dish with the tomato sauce looks really good! (As does the chicken-pasta salad!)
I usually eat at the table, though I will move to the TV if something good is on.
Um, I don't watch football and don't really root for anyone specifically. (Not that UofI or UVA are doing so well this season anyway.)
I am bad about eating. I eat 1/2 the time at my desk or standing up in the kitchen. Bad I know. But I'm so busy, I'm always rushing!!
I do enjoy college football, but I never watch sports. See answer to question A for why.
I hope you are having a great trip!
I try to "enforce" the eating at the dining table rule so that we can have some family time... But when I'm home alone (or when the toddler is napping) I really don't follow it. Don't tell! ;)
Great run and good eats! I love staying up late and talking - but always regret it the next day when I have to get up! :D
Sadly, we have a gorgeous dining table and it only gets used for company. We eat in the living room in front of the t.v.!
We eat in the dining room together most nights - it's good family time.
Both of your pasta dishes look tasty.
Hope you had fun at the game.
Hey girlie! I hope you had fun at the game! I love UGA...mostly for the bulldog but like them as a team too! Your pasta dishes always look so good and I am loving the fresh moz on that sammy. I do watch college football- I went to Penn State- so they're my team!
Great upper body workout!
I usually eat in the kitchen or dining room. We used to eat in the living room (sometimes still do) but we got new carpet and I'm so nervous to eat in there now! lol
Mr. pro bought me "our" dining room set for Christmas last year because we were hosting Christmas for our families for the first time and I LOVE to host. That is the only time we have eaten at it... and I had tomsilitis so although our families still came, they did all the cooking and I was too drugged up to enjoy anything LOL. We normally eat at our kitchen table, but we can still see the tv from there!
ooo that sandwich looks awesome- theres nothing better than a yummy sub
Right now, my hubby has taken over our dining room working from home, so we've been bad parents eating on TV trays watching TV! Hopefully that is temporary!
I love the baguette sammy you made.
Also, do you walk alone at lunch or with a co-worker? Do you walk the same path, or switch it up? I've started jogging at lunch with a co-worker and its totally helped me work out when I don't want to!
Hope you had fun in Athens! Back to the real world today, :(
For the time being, we're eating on the sofa until we buy a better table for the new house. It's getting really old! I miss sitting at the table!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
p.s...thanks for the walking support! charley and I are about to take off for our evening walk!
ooo that sandwich looks awesome- theres nothing better than a yummy sub
Hey girlie! I hope you had fun at the game! I love UGA...mostly for the bulldog but like them as a team too! Your pasta dishes always look so good and I am loving the fresh moz on that sammy. I do watch college football- I went to Penn State- so they're my team!
We eat in the dining room together most nights - it's good family time.
Both of your pasta dishes look tasty.
Hope you had fun at the game.
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