Friday I worked until noon, raced home, packed, then went to the gym for a mile running (6.3 mph), a mile walking (4 mph) and back + biceps – great workout! Then I headed home, hopped in the shower, grabbed Reuben, packed up the food and went to pick up Austin. We drove into Auburn and, I kid you not, I fell asleep in the car. I NEVER do that! Weird! We got to Teresa & Forrest’s new house – SO CUTE! Loved it – they did an awesome job picking out their paint colors, granite, etc. – everything was so nice! Reuben was excited to – to see Daisy and Cassie, their puppers! We visited, got ready, then went out to dinner with friends and then to 1716 to drink/chat! No rain – lovely! We left the bar, went home and stayed up talking until 4 a.m.ish… – eek! I had a blast, and ended up at 2,226 calories, 229 carbs, 30 fat grams and 94 protein grams. Yes, we drank all night and 673 calories were alcohol. That HURT, especially since I only burned 334 at the gym – eek! Here’s what I ate and drank.
Saturday I woke up at 11 a.m. Still tired. Oh no! But it was time to get it together, get going and get to the tailgate! We left around 1 p.m., Forrest went to work at his store and we walked to the tailgate, Reuben in tow! We had a great time seeing Andy, Mon, Andrew, Laura Anne, Ellen, Nick, Candice, Jamie and everybody – GREAT to catch up! About 30 minutes to game time it was raining. And kind of miserable. We decided not to buy tickets and to just go to the house. If the game was good, we would go to the bars. We walked back, walked into the store and then MONSOON. Oh my! We drove home, got in cozy clothes and then I knew we weren’t going to make it out again! And we didn’t! It continued raining... all night. But we still had a blasty and I got in bed by midnight – MUCH more reasonable! I ended up at 1,835 calories, 172 carbs, 66 fat grams and 100 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Sunday I woke up at 8 a.m. and blogged a little, then went down and watched some HGTV with the crew, then we headed out to Atlanta. I packed ALL of our meals, but we left not hungry, then got hungry on the road, so I had a junior cheeseburger at Wendy’s. Guh. It hurt my tummy. Then we got home, unpacked, showered, and CHILLED. I did next to nothing and it was STILL pouring rain. Instead of dinner I had tons of snacks – not good! I ended up at 1,837 calories, 222 carbs, 69 fat grams and 86 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. I went to bed early…. Had a feeling the weather was going to be nightmarish the next day…
Today I woke up and I was right…. AWFUL weather all night, thundered and kept me up, etc. Grrrr. I got in the car at 7:10 – 20 minutes before normal. I got in at 8:10. I traveled at, on average, 5 mph. Oh my. I got in and it was still storming and everyone was late, some couldn’t even make it because of flooding – eek! I stayed busy, and during lunch I tried to work out but the gym was SO crowded because the outdoor runners were on the treadmills. Me and Stacy did chest, triceps and shoulders – and walked 2 miles. The plan was to go back after work and walk 2.5 more miles… but at 3:20ish shit hit the fan and Atlanta was closing down quickly, side streets flooding, etc. So we were all free to go. By 3:45 I was out of there… in the car for another hour and 15 minutes. Then HOME!! I got in bed, watched TV, and then me and Austin made dinner and some meals for the week – not too bad! Our power hasn’t even gone out (knock on wood!) and NO it hasn’t quit raining. Sigh. So glad we got the new roof! Anywho, I ended up at 1,686 calories, 225 carbs, 49 fat grams and 74 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Oh – I also set up this week’s menu! It’s below – I made lots of it tonight! And here’s dinner. Yum!

Monday: Bacon/Egg/Cheese Muffin (b); Sweet & Sour Chicken (l); Tomato & Mozzarella Pizza (d)
Tuesday: Breakfast Muffin Pizza (b); Chicken & Pasta Salad new! (l); Mediterranean Calzone (d) new!
Wednesday: Bacon/Egg/Cheese Muffin (b); Curried Tuna (l) new!; Garden summer pasta (d)
Thursday: Breakfast Muffin Pizza (b); Yellow Curry Pasta (l); Chicken in Tomato Sauce with feta (d)
Friday: Potato/egg/sausage burrito (b); Quinoa with garlic chicken and veggies (l); Chicken Souvlaki (d)
Saturday: Potato/egg/sausage burrito (b); Chicken in tomato sauce with feta (l); Garden Summer Pasta (d)
Sunday: Potato/egg/sausage burrito (b); Chicken Souvlaki (l); Pasta with sundried tomato pesto (d)
A few questions:
When you travel, do you pack all of your own meals/snacks?
If not, what do you do to make sure you eat “good.”
If so, do people think you’re crazy? :)
K –I’m off to read your blogs. I promise more pictures tomorrow, as well as two new recipes!!
Your weekly menu sounds awesome!
Sounds like you had fun but busy weekend...
I like to pack a lot of food when I'm traveling. But I also like to enjoy a few "treats"... ;)
Your menu sounds yummy!!
I'm kind of a food-packing freak! I always have snacks with me at all times.. and I normally bring essentials when I go out of town! People probably think I'm crazy but whatever! haha
Sounds like a great menu!
I do pack a few bars, packets of cereal, and PB packets, but most of the time I don't even end up using them because I can usually spot a healthy item like fresh fruit, nuts, or raw veggies when I'm out traveling. It's always nice to have that emergency snack just in case. No one really thinks I'm crazy, especially when I offer them one of my bars! :)
Geez, what a weekend!
I don't usually pack snacks for travel, but I've started bringing my own cereal or granola bars.
Sorry about the rain and otherwise crappy weather. Hopefully, you can get some sunshine (or non-rain) to cheer you up soon!
I think it's awesome that you packed your own food for the trip. Way to stay on track and save some cash.
When I go out of town I do try to pack some protein bars, apple and I bring along the peanut butter and jelly. Good cheap meals that don't need the refrigerator.
Hope you don't have to go in to work today! The roads are awful in some places. Although it's finally not raining here...but I think more is coming.
When we're driving somewhere that is going to take us more than three hours and over a meal time, I try to pack food for the trip. I usually pack turkey sandwiches, some fresh fruit and baked Lay's chips or pretzels. I also usually toss in a couple of bars or other snack type food just in case we're still hungry.
There's nothing worse than eating lots of fast food on a road trip. You feel lousy by the time you get to where you're going...
Sorry it's raining so much in ATL.
I have been seeing all the news about the weather in Georgia. You all stay safe!!!
I never pack snacks. Probably why I always gain on vacation!
Ick I hate stormy weather it makes me not want to do anything!
I love love love college football season! So much fun with good friends :)
Gotta rep the SEC...
Ugh stupid weather...stay safe!
I definitely pack snacks for trips and try to bring enough to last the whole time so that I don't find myself snacking on "junk"
Unfortunately I get the crazy looks from friends and stuff but honestly I'd rather have that then come home from vacation regretting everything I ate.
Your menus always sound so good!
Glad y'all had fun in Auburn, even though things sort of got rained out. Being cozy at the home of good friends is a great thing! :)
I don't think you're crazy for packing your own food. It works for you. Who cares what other people think? ;-)
love the menu!!! :) i don't really rbing much with me. sometimes some bars, but usually just try to make do with wahts there. Work on portion control is what i try to aim for.
Oh man! I hope it stops raining out there! Sounds like a fun weekend (despite the rain). When I travel, I pack some of my meals and all of my snacks (if possible). Yes, people sometimes think I'm crazy ;) I also pack a lot of food for Josh (so we don't have to really stop much while driving).
Andrea: Thanks!!! I did - definitely busy! Yes- treats for sure! I definitely had a few in AU!
April: Thanks! haha I am too - I bring everything and yes, I don't care what they think. If i'm driving to see you I like to think you love me and my quirks, right?!
Emily: Thanks! Good for you! I come across heavy meatballs, buckeyes, brownies, etc. nothing healthy!
Mica: Thanks girl - I need some cheering up FOR SURE! Today was nice - stayed home from work. Much needed!
Liz: OMG - it's SO cheap when I just pack up meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!). You called it - i stayed home!!
Jacey: That's smart! Thanks for the ideas. YES - fast food is the devil for my tummy. Me too - i'm SO OVER this weather (not to be a whiner or anything haha)
Anne: We ARE - thanks girl! haha you crack me up! I don't know if i'd bring it on a vacay - but it's too easy to bring it when we're going to family or friends' homes!
Therese: I know! It's so conducive to laziness!! Me too - LOVE the SEC - football nation!
Dawn: Thanks! Exactly - I like to do that and yes, get looks sometimes, too. :) Couldn't have said it better - i'd rather feel good and get stares then feel like crap!
Pissy: Thanks, Mom! We did - great times! haha true that - I know you've never complained or been bitchy about it! LOL
Dailygoods: Thanks!! Good for you! I (clearly) have a problem with portion control... i just eat it all - eek!
Erica: Me too! :( Yay - a fellow packer - I'm all about it. It's nice to not have to worry about where to stop or what i'll get or whatever - it also helps to keep my tummy from getting upset - bonus!
Andrea: Thanks!!! I did - definitely busy! Yes- treats for sure! I definitely had a few in AU!
April: Thanks! haha I am too - I bring everything and yes, I don't care what they think. If i'm driving to see you I like to think you love me and my quirks, right?!
Emily: Thanks! Good for you! I come across heavy meatballs, buckeyes, brownies, etc. nothing healthy!
Mica: Thanks girl - I need some cheering up FOR SURE! Today was nice - stayed home from work. Much needed!
Liz: OMG - it's SO cheap when I just pack up meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!). You called it - i stayed home!!
Jacey: That's smart! Thanks for the ideas. YES - fast food is the devil for my tummy. Me too - i'm SO OVER this weather (not to be a whiner or anything haha)
Anne: We ARE - thanks girl! haha you crack me up! I don't know if i'd bring it on a vacay - but it's too easy to bring it when we're going to family or friends' homes!
Therese: I know! It's so conducive to laziness!! Me too - LOVE the SEC - football nation!
Dawn: Thanks! Exactly - I like to do that and yes, get looks sometimes, too. :) Couldn't have said it better - i'd rather feel good and get stares then feel like crap!
Pissy: Thanks, Mom! We did - great times! haha true that - I know you've never complained or been bitchy about it! LOL
Dailygoods: Thanks!! Good for you! I (clearly) have a problem with portion control... i just eat it all - eek!
Erica: Me too! :( Yay - a fellow packer - I'm all about it. It's nice to not have to worry about where to stop or what i'll get or whatever - it also helps to keep my tummy from getting upset - bonus!
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