I always forget about Real Simple and have been meaning to try Oxygen and Clean Eating for ideas and inspiration! Thanks for the recs – I definitely want to mix it up! Someone mentioned
So last night ended pleasantly with the vitamuffin + Mamma Mia! Today I just worked, had cheerios/milk for breakfast, had a snack of jalapeno crunchies, had chicken fried rice for lunch. Had every intention of going to the gym during my lunch break – even had my clothes on. But some shiz went down at work that upset me so I stayed home to wallow and feel sorry for myself, then got up, got ready and went to my sister’s house for the show! (had a few snacks, too – another vitamuffin and laughing cow + carr’s crackers). At Dev’s I had dinner that I brought, quinoa with garlic chicken, and a brownie of hers. Nom nom nom.
The show… so first it is SO nice to do mother/daughter nights. We don’t do enough as I feel we’re not taking full advantage of my mom now being in town so much more!
Outside the Fox

close up shot in grayscale

far away shot a kind stranger took

Some shots I found online of the actresses from what we saw - AMAZING!

The show was really just absolutely amazing. I couldn't believe how simple the set was - the actors MADE the show and did a wonderful job doing it. It was so smooth and well acted - like the characters had been playing the parts for years. It was a great cast and so fun to feel like a part of it. We were only, maybe, 20 rows from the stage? Great seats, great performance and I'd go back in a heartbeat. I told Austin since we don't go out to eat we should definitely take in show. I likes to be entertained!
Off Topic Question – I’m going to really look at my weights vs. calorie intake this month. Do you think I should count the calories I eat as my calories for the day, or my net after physical activity? (like I ate 1,700; but HRM said I burned 300 walking 6 miles - so I do go with the 1,700 or the 1,400?) Any thoughts on this would be most helpful!
Thanks fabulous friends - HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you all have glorious weekends. It's snowing in ATL so I got to leave work at 2 p.m. - WOO!
Great post!!! LOVE the pictures you found of the cast. :)
I enjoyed the show SO much!!!! I'd go see it again tonight if I could. :)
I agree: more mother/daughter nights!!!! I ALWAYS have so much fun with you and Dev.
Looks like such a fun night! I've seen Mama Mia three times and I LOVE it! I'm not a fan of the movie, though.
That looks so fun! I've never really seen an actual show, but I really want to!
Personally, I'd count the calories as you eat them and not factor in the calories you burn. Simply bc, even though your HR monitor is closer to being accurate, its still not.
i havent seen any real live musicals but one goal in life is definitely to see WICKED! Total must.
i say go with the calories you eat.
I love musicals. I saw Billy Elliott on Broadway last summer and it was great.
Jason bought some Baked Doritos which I made him hide. Except that I found them.
I can't believe it's actually snowing like this. I took the dog for a walk and he was like, "WTF is this white stuff on me?"
When I am focus (emphasis on WHEN) I try to eat 1600 calories and then use my exercise as weight loss. I think you're figured out how to lose weight. Why are you wanting to change?
I always go by net calories. It's just easier for me to make sure I eat enough. BUT, I haven't been so successful at weight loss lately, so maybe I should reevaluate and just go by how many calories I eat?? I don't know, good question... let us know what you decide! :)
Looks like a fun mother/daughter night out!! :) Stay warm and safe!! Isnt' the snow gorgeous?? How does Reuben like it? Cooper loves it, but Ripsey is scared of it, haha! ;)
Mama Mia is a great show! My all time favorite is Grease I have seen it four times.
I know you're a fan of SparkPeople. If you go to the "Reports" tab, there is a report called 'Daily Calorie Differential'. The report shows everything you're looking for. Calories eaten vs calories out Basal Metabolic rate (calories burned on average for just living) + exercise. It also then tells you your total calories burned and the negative differential if you're trying to keep track. I love it, my goal is 1 pound per week so I try to hit a negative differential of 3500 cals for a week.
I hope that helps.
I've really come to appreciate the energy of live shows. This looks like a good one.
Good job on getting your weight back down.
Thanks for sharing your pictures - it looks like a great time. I've only gone to Annie and I loved it.
hey chica! love the blog! i think as far as ure cal in vs cal out... sparkpeople gives u a range keeping exercise in mind.. so i would pick a range and stick to it and keep up the exercise.. no net calories for me.. i see a weight loss when i eat at the lower end of my range with a couple of higher ones and then do my reg exercise.. nothing excessive though.. hope this helps~ :)esinc
Looks like a fun time! I am going to see "Wicked" here in Richmond next month. Can't wait. When my DH and I lived in ATL, we saw "Phantom" at the Fox Theater. It was spectacular. We were also members of the Alliance Theater in midtown. We went to several plays there that were very good. You should check them out sometime.
I have no input on the calorie counting. I would say just do what you did when you tracked and lost your original 20 lbs. That seemed to work for you. Good luck!
Hey chicky! Sorry to hear that things at work made you upset! I hope it got all cleared up. Sounds like you had a blasty with your mama! I like seeing plays but I haven't been to one in FOREVER! Hope the rest of your weekend and your valentine's day is wonderful
I'm so confused about the which calories to count too...I'll have to check out what Kimmi mentioned about SparkPeople.
I say go with the calories you eat. Glad you had a good time!!
Great girls night out! I love all kinds of shows/musicals. Hubby? Not so much. One year he got me and my twin sister tickets to see a T. Bone Burnett concert with Alison Krauss (sp?).
He bought the tickets way in advance only to discovery it was my sister's sons first communion that day and she couldn't go!
So Tony came with me - at intermission I went to the bathroom, only to come out into the lobby and see him downing six vodka rocks so he could make it through the second half!
He loves me that much! :D
Want to see Mama Mia!!!! I heard it was amazing!! So cool you saw it!!!
Love the amazing pics too!!
I hope you have a great Valentines Day girl!!! xoxo
wow looks like a great time!
I love that movie. I missed the play when it came to town, maybe next time.
Hey chicky! Sorry to hear that things at work made you upset! I hope it got all cleared up. Sounds like you had a blasty with your mama! I like seeing plays but I haven't been to one in FOREVER! Hope the rest of your weekend and your valentine's day is wonderful
Mama Mia is a great show! My all time favorite is Grease I have seen it four times.
i havent seen any real live musicals but one goal in life is definitely to see WICKED! Total must.
i say go with the calories you eat.
Looks like such a fun night! I've seen Mama Mia three times and I LOVE it! I'm not a fan of the movie, though.
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