Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gym Decision, Poker Fun, Celebrity Sighting!

So... be more awesome! You can't! You guys' gym advice was SO helpful! I think, because of your suggestions, instead of just joining up I'll go over to the gym and see if I can get a pass. Tell them the truth - I moved so I quit, but I miss it and want to see how my commute would be if I join back up. I believe they do 7-day passes so this gives me a chance to go over on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (the days I needed another gym) and I can see:
  • How the travel is - is it too far? Or is it not that bad?
  • How the classes are - are they fun? Are they too crowded?
  • How the atmosphere is - is it as 'pump me up' as it used to be? Or has it changed?
Testing it out instead of just jumping right in is the plan - FOR SURE. THEN, I can decide if it's right. I also love the idea of testing out different gyms by me - I know there's a crosfit and I"m pretty sure there's a Gold's Gym. Why not go to all and test it? If nothing else this activity alone would be good cardio testing it! Stay tuned, friends - i'm a lady on a mission!

So not much has been up with me. Thursday was rough. I had horrible tummy cramps and was practically bed ridden. Awesome. No workouts. No nothing really. Just the basics: work, chilling with the family and eating. Yes, i'm way off my workouts now. Already. Sigh. Friday was work, then lunch with co-workers, then a hectic day that involved me working until 6:30 p.m. No gym, again. SIGH. I got home at 7 p.m., had a quick dinner, then Katie & Cush came to pick us up - it was poker time! I haven't gotten to play in so long, but we had a blast going over to their buddy Ryan's. My friend Tyson met us over there and their friends Travis and Jackie - great group! I was catching cards all night and ended up winning $80. Say wha? Loves it! Then we headed back home and visited with Tyson for a bit (he's staying with us this weekend), and now we're about to sleep. I will say that I measured today as planned - yay! Tomorrow, I hope to get in a great workout, go to Kroger/Publix, cook a bit, and work on the pantry a bit - have a nice little Saturday. hehe

I can't leave you without a picture, so here is a pic Austin snapped on his iPhone when he was in Miami traveling for work last week - yes, it's Jillian Michaels!!
He said she was yanked out of line RIGHT after that! I was like DANG, I so would have been like YOU'RE AWESOME! HEHE

Q: Any celebrity sightings for you?

Q: Are you a Jillian Michaels fan?