's February, friends! Where did January go? I think I spent the majority of at work - I honestly think I produced more work in January then I did in Q4 - grrrr! I even cried at work yesterday - awesome moment - I've just been really overwhelmed but this too shall pass, right? Right. Starting today. In February! Before moving on to a better, less stressful month, here is a look at my January goals:
1.Try out one new fitness class at my parent company gym. didn't happen - I honestly didn't really go to that gym. Now that i'm in my new building I find it a bit inconvenient to get there. BOO. I'd really like to take a class between now and June when my gym opens, so i'm going to try this again in March.
2. Start C25K – do weeks 1-3. not happening at all - my right foot is barely cooperating on walks. I'm thinking about changing up shoes and trying the running thing again beginning in March. We'll see - I just really miss it. :(
3. Measure on Fridays: January 7, 14, 21 and 28. I did this on Jan 7. and Jan. 14 - not awful but definitely not consistent! I will try to do better in February!
4. Organize January – March 2010 pictures for 2010 photo book. Just didn't get to this - moving on!
7. Try out one church in our area on Sunday, January 30. Didn't work out - moving to next month! Took Austin to the doctor instead - boo.
9. Make three videos:
10. Do abs Thursdays and Sundays. These are my unofficial, now official, ab days. 2 thurs. down so far - Sundays aren't happening... Also did a Tuesday and a Friday - 4 times!
11. Read 5 books. 3 down - 2 halfway through
So all in all a pretty good month! I was glad I was able to get the gift center going, make two videos, read 3 books, do abs 4 times (4 times more than December!), make ELEVEN new recipes, teach Remy sit, make a party central dining room buffet (not a goal... total shiny object), organize closets and measure a bit - at least I have beginning of year measurements! :) Now, here are my February goals - several are roll overs but that's okay:
1. Be on the lookout for a new bench for foot of bed in master and new lamps for master bedroom.
2. Measure on Fridays: February 4, 11, 18 and 25.
3. Organize January – April 2010 pictures for 2010 photo book.
2. Measure on Fridays: February 4, 11, 18 and 25.
3. Organize January – April 2010 pictures for 2010 photo book.
4. Get Remy fully acclimated into Reuben's room and on a very consistent potty schedule - we're still having a few accidents. Continue reinforcing sit.
5. Try out one church in our area.
6. Make 5 new recipes.
7. Make two new videos: August/September/October and November/December.
8. Follow my February work out plan - more on that tomorrow!
9. Read 5 books (2 are almost done from January so really it's just 3!).
10. Organize the pantry. Buy more storage boxes; make signs; finish cleaning it.
11. Organize my spice cabinet. Print labels for jars.
10. Organize the pantry. Buy more storage boxes; make signs; finish cleaning it.
11. Organize my spice cabinet. Print labels for jars.
12. Organize my master closet - purge again and really get rid of stuff.
13. Make 3 meal plans.
Honestly, I think i'm well on my way with lots of these! For instance, I've already gotten pantry boxes and started organizing, I already have the spice jars for the spices but need to make labels, I've made a lot of progress with my closet, I already have 5 recipes ready to make - just need to make them, I have one meal plan almost done, I have the songs chosen for the videos, etc. YAY!
K - on to yesterday. Had a bit of a rough day, worked through lunch, cried out of frustration as mentioned above. I'm sorry, but there is nothing about Happy Bunny that doesn't crack me up!! Anywho... after work I took myself to the gym even though I wasn't in the mood AT ALL. After 3 miles I felt SO much better about everything, went home, did some work in the pantry and then had dinner with Austin! We then watched some Veronica Mars and called it an early night. He's feeling much better, but needs lots of rest! K - new recipe time!
Cheesy Broccoli and Chicken
Recipe adapted from recipe
Makes 4 Servings
Nutritional Information: 467 calories, 68 carbs, 4 fat grams and 32 protein grams.
Review: This tasted like Thanksgiving - for real! I loved how it tasted like cheesy broccoli, and the chicken just shredded right up and blended in to the mix. It tasted best fresh - super creamy and was great over the rice. Reheat wasn't bad, but I definitely had to add some rice and salt to get it back up to par, so I'd suggest making this to eat that day (I would even bring this to a Thanksgiving pot luck - i'd just add cooked white rice at the end, stir, and turn it to warm! All in all, a recipe i'll make again.
Q: How did you do with your January goals?
Q: What are a few things you hope to accomplish in February?
Q: Do you like Happy Bunny?