Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mixed Cardio Workout, New Clothes!

I'm glad i'm not the only one who enjoys a glass of wine while spending time with babies. hehe On another more self-absorbed note, I never got around to posting some of pics of my new Destin-outlet clothes! Here's a pic of the spaghetti strap color block dress! I got it at Ann Taylor Loft - love the length, the adjustable straps and the ring in the center! (Remy liked it, too!)
Still need to take pics of the other workout clothes - but they're dirty! So here is a pink Nike running shirt and black/purple Nike capris! Love the mesh on them
Here are the shorts! I love these - got them in black and blue as well

So how was your Tuesday? Mine was pretty good, just got up early and had another great a.m. workout! This time, I:
  • Hopped on the treadmill for 13 minutes: 1/8 mile at 4 mph, 1/2 mile at 6.3 mph, 1/2 mile at 7 mph, and 1/8 mile at 4 mph - so 1.25 miles in 13 minutes.
  • Hopped on the stairclimber for 10 minutes: 2 minutes at 7, 2 minutes at 9, 2 minutes at left side crossing over with right, 2 minutes at right side crossing over with left and 2 minutes at 8.
  • Hopped on the spin bike for 11 minutes (class was over!): 1 song alternating slow/high resistance with springing during chorus; 1 song alternating standing flat, standing climb and seated flat; 1 song with jumps and sprints (sprint for 20; stand for 8, sit for 8, stand for 8, sit for 8; repeat).
WOO! Loved mixing up the machines! Total workout was 34 minutes, with HRM 38 minutes (I guess I took 4 in total moving from machines, setting up the bike, cleaning the machines, etc.): 344 calories, 2 fat-burning minutes and 36 fitness minutes, average HR 164, max HR 186. Then I worked, had a working lunch at Figo, then worked more... and late - boo - stayed until 6:30 so not too bad. Then I headed straight home to the puppers- Austin had a work dinner so it was me and the babies which meant movie time. We watched No Strings Attached. I didn't love it, but didn't hate it. I'd watch it again which lately is high praise as I can't seem to find any movies that interest me which makes me sad. Natalie Portman is so cute but is almost too thin in this film, and i've always liked Ashton and so it was fun to see them together. Natalie's character got on my nerves a bit... they never explained why she was the way she was - it was like girl, what's your problem? But overall it was a cute, predictable chick flick.

Q: Have you seen that movie? Did you like it?

Q: Do you ever mix up your cardio in one workout session? What is your favorite mix?

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