Sunday went exactly as planned! I did very, very little and bummed around until about 7 when we headed to Kroger and Trader Joe’s to stock up for the week. When we got home we decided not to cook, and just had sandwiches/chips – YUM! But we DID cook a few meals for the week: 4 servings of chili, 4 servings of egg/back/cheese mix for breakfast sandwiches, 3 servings of a new bean/egg/salsa mixture for breakfast wraps, 2 servings of blackened chicken and 2 servings of “fried” rice. WOO! I was beat – but not too beat to finally catch up on Ugly Betty & Grey’s Anatomy. Hmmm. Loving Ugly Betty – so freaking cute and I love how Betty is kinda getting tight with Mark & Amanda! Grey’s… I just don’t know. That storyline with the deathrow dude TOTALLY creeped me out… like I had nightmares! Wow. It seems the Denny deal is about to end – what does Izzy have? A tumor? Anyway – glad to be caught up – Grey’s has gotten much better than it was 3 episodes when I went on hiatus and Betty has stayed cute! So I went to bed late and ended up at 1,357 calories, 170 carbs and 43 fat grams. Here’s what I ate.
Yesterday I was exhausted. Blah. I did manage to eat a YUMMY bacon/egg/cheese sandwich, Austin’s fab chili for lunch a few yummy snacks (including 6 hershey’s kisses – eek!). I also got in 3.5 miles of cardio at lunch, and 2 miles + chest + triceps after work – awesome! When I got home we heated up the blackened chicken pasta and CHILLED – watched a few 30 Rock’s then got to work on the disclosure making notes that concerned us. We sent it off to Amanda and passed out! I ended up at 1,536 calories, 179 carbs and 38 fat grams – not bad! Here’s what I ate.
Today has been a great day so far! I woke up much more well rested than yesterday and ready to get some stuff done. Breakfast was a new concoction per an idea from Dailygoods. She made this awesome breakfast burrito with black beans, eggs and all of this fabulous stuff then grilled it on a George Forman! I made mine a little different and want to work on it a bit more before posting the recipe! It was yummy… but off somehow. I’m going to get to the bottom of it – and likely end up copying her! (didn’t have the ingredients on hand). Anyway – stayed busy all morning, walked 3 miles at lunch and then had my chicken fried rice. Glorious. Now I’m eating 4 Hershey’s kisses – YUM. Will post tomorrow about today’s eats – and I’m going to post some wedding pics (maybe all my favorites!) in celebration of my one-anniversary coming up in less than 13 days! (2/16). Hope you’re all having fabulous days! I can't wait to get to the gym after work and then get home! It's REALLY cold here - blah. And I've GOT to start posting what I eat - i'm so excited!