Today I woke up and felt great – ready to take on the day! Anticipating intense back-to-work traffic I left at 7:20 a.m….. but it still took me until 8:10 a.m. to get 14 miles. Grrr. But that’s okay – I got to listen to TONS of the Notebook (by tons I mean 1 CD – woo!). I love it – I can already tell the movie was so different. Work was good – got lots done. During lunch I walked 4 miles at the gym in my building, then after work I walked 1.5 miles and did this bicep/back workout!

Then I headed home and had a slice of pizza, showered, did laundry, hung out with Austin/Reuben and decided to eat outside of the mealplan, and threw together some veggie pita pizzas – SO good! Now I’m in bed watching the shows – 90210 and Melrose Place! And I’m done eating – ending up at 1,719 calories, 249 carbs, 32 fat grams and 102 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. I also developed my TV lineup for the fall…. DON’T JUDGE ME! I heart TV and don’t even know if all of these shows will be good but I HAD to include the old favorites and the potential new gems out there! And note, I’m tivoing all of these shows and watching the majority back-to-back on my lazy weekend afternoons whilst blogging- yessss. K- here goes.

8 p.m. One Tree Hill (CW)
9 p.m. Gossip Girl (CW)
10 p.m. Castle (ABC)
8 p.m. 90210 (CW)
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)
9 p.m. Melrose Place (CW)
8 p.m. America’s Next Top Model (CW)
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)
9 p.m. The Beautiful Life (CW)
Glee (Fox)
Modern Family (ABC)
9:30 p.m. Cougars (ABC)
10 p.m. Eastwick (ABC)
8 p.m. Flashforward (ABC)
Vampire Diaries (CW)
9 p.m. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
9 p.m. Ugly Betty (ABC)
9 p.m. Desperate Housewives (ABC)
10 p.m. Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
Are any of you watching those shows??! What shows are you ready for?Are you judging me for watching so much TV? :) I can’t wait to kick off the fall… I’m already worried my reading may suffer. Hehe K – I’m out – have great nights!

Then I headed home and had a slice of pizza, showered, did laundry, hung out with Austin/Reuben and decided to eat outside of the mealplan, and threw together some veggie pita pizzas – SO good! Now I’m in bed watching the shows – 90210 and Melrose Place! And I’m done eating – ending up at 1,719 calories, 249 carbs, 32 fat grams and 102 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. I also developed my TV lineup for the fall…. DON’T JUDGE ME! I heart TV and don’t even know if all of these shows will be good but I HAD to include the old favorites and the potential new gems out there! And note, I’m tivoing all of these shows and watching the majority back-to-back on my lazy weekend afternoons whilst blogging- yessss. K- here goes.

8 p.m. One Tree Hill (CW)
9 p.m. Gossip Girl (CW)
10 p.m. Castle (ABC)
8 p.m. 90210 (CW)
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)
9 p.m. Melrose Place (CW)
8 p.m. America’s Next Top Model (CW)
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)
9 p.m. The Beautiful Life (CW)
Glee (Fox)
Modern Family (ABC)
9:30 p.m. Cougars (ABC)
10 p.m. Eastwick (ABC)
8 p.m. Flashforward (ABC)
Vampire Diaries (CW)
9 p.m. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
9 p.m. Ugly Betty (ABC)
9 p.m. Desperate Housewives (ABC)
10 p.m. Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
Are any of you watching those shows??! What shows are you ready for?
Edited to Post: I should mention that I have AT&T U-Verse and can therefore record 4 shows at a time and watch another. Yes - this is dangerous technology that only serves to enable my addiction.
I watched the first season of the new 90210 and I used to watch True Blood religiously! But, now I have no room in the schedule for much TV watching and we canceled HBO due to budget cuts. I do still like J and K Plus 8 though! I maintain my position on Kate's side!
We canceled cable a while back; I don't really miss T.V. unless I think about it... Now I miss it... :) I usually try to catch up a bit while doing cardio at the gym...
you are the most organized person i know! i think you should become a personal organizer for people :) i'd hire you! (if i wasn't broke hehe) i need to get into more tv(sounds stupid when i read that) but i am so behind on so many shows!! i.e. still in season 2 of True Blood!!! my sister is about to murder me for not catching up sooner.
Brothers and Sisters is my all time favourite show at the moment - I want to be a Walker!! But we won't get it for months after you I expect - we didn't long have the end of the last season. Don't give anything away!
Edna x
I can't wait for Glee tonight so I'm a total tv addict like you! Hey, there's no better way to unwind, in my humble opnion!
Haha, I don't judge you...I have my list, too ;) Looks like we both like Desperate Housewives, Grey's, Ugly Betty, and Brothers & Sisters! Though I have to say I am getting annoyed with B&S lately :(
No, I am definitely not judging you for your fall TV line-up. I just watched the "Glee" pilot and really enjoyed it. I probably won't watch a lot of shows this semester though since I never know what night I'm going to have a ton of reading. Booo.
Nice job on the workouts chica ;) Glad you got some relaxing time in too! Theres only a few shows I really follow- Top Chef, The Office, Entourage and Lost. I LOVE crappy reality tv too, but catch it when I can ;)
Don't be jealous of my lack of sleep! I need to get more :) :)
i'm psyched for GLEE, Vampire Diaries, possibly Melrose - not sure yet. i think I will have to cut down some shows depending what the DVR can hold ;) we can only record 2 shows simultaneously and you have to be watching one of them so that blows.
I like your TV lineup. I need to get into a couple of regular shows. The last shows we watched regularly were "The Sopranos" and "SATC" on HBO but now... blah.
One show that I think is GREAT is "Nurse Jackie" on Showtime. It just ended Season 1 but is coming back for Season 2. I think you can order it OnDemand if you have Showtime. I've also been watching "Hung" on HBO. Not too thrilled with how that's going though.
I did watch "Melrose" last night. I am bummed. We were huge fans of the first show and now it hurts to see my favorite characters cast as cougars and dads. UGH. We need a Melrose for 40-somethings. Or a new version of "Dynasty." Now I'm really dating myself. haha!
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who creates a weekly fall
tv lineup!!!
We have a few shows in common... 90210, Desperate Housewives and I'm going to give the new Melrose (DVRed last nights) and Flashfoward a chance also. Mr. Pro and I also watch How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory religiously and I'm a fan of Top Chef.
I love that back/bi workout! I always struggle to find different back exercises but now I have some ideas!
Ugh its so hard for me to get me shows in during football season lol. Our big TV is always occupied :) I would watch them in the other room but I wanna spend the little time I have with the hubbie in the evening. Thank goodness for DVR!
Love me some ANTM! FUnny story, I tried out for it a couple of years ago...
I love tv too, Most of your shows are on my regular/to watch list. I love when they announce the fall preview look forward to it every year:).
I love tv too, Most of your shows are on my regular/to watch list. I love when they announce the fall preview look forward to it every year:).
Omg, your a life saver. I was just sayign i need to do this to keep up with my shows!
I'm ready for ANTM! Love it!
Man. I thought I watched too much tv. Hehe. JK!
You are making me miss my DVR sooooo much. I have been without one for a little over a year now. So sad.
I quit watching Grey's around then. Is it still good?
My friend's and I get together for TV nights each week. Mainly just for Biggest Loser and The Office\30 Rock and occasionally for Top Chef and Project Runway. You should check those out if haven't already.
Btw...ANTM is such a guilty pleasure of mine. So is the Hills.
I watch Gray's Anatomy... we just don't watch much t.v. I'd much rather read a book these days.
hee hee hee!
Love your edit to post.
So true and so funny! ;-)
Omg I'm so excited about all of the fall shows! My DVR is going to be blowing up!
I LOVE deseperate housewives!!! The only other show I watch besides DH religiously is Biggest Loser. Love that one too.
I just got caught up on your blog. Thanks for the answers a couple posts ago... you rock! I'm going to try the pre-prep in advance and see how making little "kits" works out. Thanks again... btw, who doesnt love TV :o)
Man, I watched Melrose Place last night and I may be hooked...if I can find the time. I find myself watching HGTV nowadays...Must be that new home buyer in me :-)
I can't wait for Grey's! It had such an awesome twist at the end of last season. That's really the only thing I think I get into...I liked Samantha Who, but I think they cancelled it. I also like Private Practice.
I love seeing your workouts! They are a big help abnd give me some ideas.
uuugh dont remind me. my Dtv went all weird and now i dont get the channel i need for 90210. :(
I looooove TV but I don't see any reality competition shows a la Top Chef. I watch a jillion hrs a tv a week, I am in no place to judge. Thanks for letting me know when Eastwick is on also!
omggggg if only we could watch tv together... you and i would never leave the couch haha. loveee antm, desperate housewives, brothers and sisters, loving top chef and also cant wait for biggest LOSER! :) :) :)
I can't wait for Grey's! It had such an awesome twist at the end of last season. That's really the only thing I think I get into...I liked Samantha Who, but I think they cancelled it. I also like Private Practice.
I love seeing your workouts! They are a big help abnd give me some ideas.
hee hee hee!
Love your edit to post.
So true and so funny! ;-)
Omg I'm so excited about all of the fall shows! My DVR is going to be blowing up!
I watch Gray's Anatomy... we just don't watch much t.v. I'd much rather read a book these days.
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