Thank you guys SO MUCH for your sweet, supportive comments on my first blogiversary. Way to make a girl feel special! (and hot - you guys rock! j/k haha). I really appreciate it you guys.... I still can't believe it's been a YEAR! How long have all of you been blogging? How long do you think you will blog?! here goes this monster of a post... I’m a little behind , friends but I promise - highlights only! Tuesday I walked 3.5 miles during lunch and 1 mile after work + this leg workout – good stuff!
I also ran a mile… I felt the urge and said I’d run ½ mile… but I was feeling great so I went for the whole thing taking my total to 5.5 miles. I had a yummy pasta for lunch.
I got home and had yummy quinoa w/sauted veggies and sun-dried tomato/feta stuffed chicken. Nom nom nom. We did watch the season finale of Weeds – CRAZY ending, very good! I ended up at 1,739 calories, 217 carbs, 58 fat grams and 98 protein grams. Not bad – a little high on fat though. Here’s what I ate.
Wednesday my tummy was upset and I was SUPER sore. Work was crazy so I worked through lunch, then headed straight home. Boo. I did make a yummy dinner, a new one a tiny bit off meal plan,’s Shrimp Arrabbiata. Here is the recipe for two servings.
Close up...

4 oz. linguine
1 tbsp olive oil, divided
6 oz. shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/8 tsp salt
¼ cup onion, chopped
1 tsp bottled minced garlic
¼ tsp dried basil
¼ tsp crushed red pepper
1 tbsp tomato paste
½ (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 tbsp fresh parsley
Cook pasta according to package (10 minutes), and drain and keep warm. Heat 2 tsp olive oil in nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle shrimp with salt and add to pan, cooking for 2 minutes on each side until shrimp are done. Transfer to plate. Heat remaining tsp of olive oil. Add onion, garlic, basil and red pepper; sauté for 1 minute. Add tomato paste and tomatoes; bring to boil. Cook for 3 minutes until sauce thickens. Return shrimp to pan and mix with tomato mixture for 1 minute until heated. Add parsley to pan, stir well, then serve over pasta. Nutritional Information: 392 calories, 54 carbs, 9 fat grams and 25 protein grams. We REALLY liked it – those red pepper flakes made such a difference as did the fresh parsley. I was definitely a fan – it was SO filling. After dinner we just hung out with the Reuben puppy and watched TV – standard! I will say that my books came in – YESSSSSS.
I ended the day at 1,812 calories, 282 carbs, 36 fat grams and 86 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Now I’m settled into the Sex and the City Movie but still don’t feel well and yes, skipped another day at the gym. I hope I feel better tomorrow – I have 5.5 miles + back + biceps planned! I’m done eating fo sho, so I ended up at 1,690 calories, 254 carbs, 32 fat grams and 107 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Time for my Twelfth Month: August 2009 Monthly Assessment
By the Numbers
Pounds Lost: -2.5 (gain) (114.5 to 117)
Highest Weight: 119
Lowest Weight: 115
Pounds left to Lose: 4 (would like to be at 113)
Posts: 20
Days Worked out: 23
Miles of cardio: 84.5
Injuries: none! A little pain in my foot though after running…. Little….
New Recipes Cooked: 14
Interesting Charts
Click on charts to make them larger!
A Look Back: August Goals
1. Keep calories under 1,850 on days when I work out and 2,300 when I drink (1 day a week; 2 at most). Not done… I had 13 days over limit. Only 3 of these days were days I didn’t work out, but I’m still snacking when I’m not hungry with the whole “but I worked out it’s cool” mentality. This mentality would be fine if I was at 113 – but I’m not! So I need to work on this…
2. Walk 84 miles. DONE.
3. Do strength training 3 days/week. DONE – went well!!!
4. Do abs 3 days/week. Not done… I think this is too aggressive for me right now. I’m going to go for 2 days/week in September!
5. Decide whether or not to hire the trainer. I didn’t decide… but will move this over for September goal to hire him or move on my own route!
6. Introduce 10 new recipes. DONE… did a few extras, too, but mostly because of the shower!
7. Update the home blog 2 days/week AND fitting back in 5 days/week. DONE. Did much better at updating!
8. Read 2 books. DONE. Actually read 3!
9. Get dining room painted; install lights in hallway upstairs. DONE this was a great month for the house – we knocked off a ton of To-Dos!!
10. Develop 2 new weeks of Strength Training Routines. DONE me and Stacy are racing through them! I’m enjoying it so much and have SO many more exercises to try!
All in all I’m really proud of this month! I feel like I got a lot done on a lot of fronts, but am definitely going to try to tackle this calorie thing in September!!
1. Keep calories under 1,850 on days when I work out and 2,300 when I drink (1 day a week; 2 at most). TRACK AHEAD.
2. Walk 84 miles.
3. Do strength training 3 days/week and Abs 2 days/week.
4. Decide whether or not to hire the trainer.
5. Introduce 10 new recipes.
6. Read 4 books (including audio!).
7. Have canvas put on backers for green guest room, install shelf/hooks in hall closet and research stainless steel appliances (pricing, brands, etc.)
8. Develop 2 new weeks of Strength Training Routines.
9. Develop a meal plan for each week – STICK WITH IT!
10. Get down to 115.
happy blogaversary! one post late! you got me thinking...I have been blogging for nearly seven years! where did the time go?
Hey girl! I hope you feel better! This crazy up and down GA weather has got us all sniffling!
Thanks for the shrimp recipe! They look really good!
Wow a Year!! Love the review of August and the new goals for the next month.
I think you should keep the days for the post title, hows about
'Year 2 - Day 1' :)
Good luck with your 2nd year!
I love all your stats and graphs - its great to see your progress in detail and really inspiring! I'm really pleased I found your blog - now I just need to read it all!
Your Sept goals look good as does that shrimp recipe.
I've been blogging for almost three years.
Any fun plans for the long weekend? I'm still convinced that I'm going to run into you out and about one of these days.
Bummer I'm sorry you don't feel good! That's the worst when you have such good intentions to work out but just physically can't!
Yay for SEC football!!! Which games are you guys going to? I am dying to get back to Gainesville for a game or two.
Yay, a new year and new month of goals! You accomplish so much every month; it's really inspiring.
Arrabiata sauce is so yummy. I will have to try that recipe. The last one tried was no good.
Looks like you rocked the workouts in August! Great job!
Btw...if you are getting a new fridge, go for the French Door models. I so wish I had one. They look awesome and make me despise my side by side.
Hope you feel better soon!
The shrimp recipe sounds great! Thanks for sharing!
I really like how you set goals every month and then take time to truly assess them.
And you inspire me to try to find a way to read more!
Great job tracking your goals, man you seem really organized with that!
It's good so you can see where you have been and what worked and what didn't
I like the chicken tostada's you made, that would make a great lunch for work!
Long time reader, first time commenter :o)
I love love love your blog and am very inspired. I too am trying to "fit back in" now - after my second baby; I have 2 questions for you. Where are you getting the workout calendar for post (I've been using sparkpeople per your recommendation, but havent figured out a good way to plan workouts). Second question is a bit of time management... do you cook a bunch of meals up front and freeze them? Ration ingredients? (insert method here). Thanks for the bloggy, keep it up.
Great job with the concise goal setting! I definitely recommend a trainer. Do some research, make sure they know their stuff and are accredited. Success will be magnified with some focused, effective and efficient strength training. Keep up the good work!
Blog birthdays are so fun :) I have been blogging for a year and a half. I'm not sure how long I will keep it up? I have no plans to stop ;) That shrimp dish looks amazing! And great job with the workout- way to kick some major booty! Hope you have a fabulous long weekend
I find it rocking awesome that you have had no injuries!
Yay for adding running! I'm a huge fan, myself! And congrats on the year o blogging! You should be v. proud!
You know I love these posts with the monthly wrap-up :) Congrats on a full year. Again, your goal setting is so inspiring. I like that you've adjusted them to be more realistic (i.e. abs). My favorite chart is the calorie one--looks a lot like mine (highs into the 2000's, lows below 1500, and a medium of about 1700 :) ).
You always come up with the best pasta recipes!
It sounds like you did great with your august goals!
I really miss reading and want to get back into it big time. ;-)
It is sooo good (and you know you are the one that got ME back into it) that you are tracking what you are doing and seeing where you need to adjust to get back on track when you need to. Awesome.
;-) Happy Weekend girl.
I really miss reading and want to get back into it big time. ;-)
It is sooo good (and you know you are the one that got ME back into it) that you are tracking what you are doing and seeing where you need to adjust to get back on track when you need to. Awesome.
;-) Happy Weekend girl.
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