Anywho, backing up: Wednesday wasn’t a bad day at all, but I definitely didn’t get to do everything I wanted to which makes me sad because I’m a big whine baby like that. Basically work was crazy. Notice the theme lately? My job is very feast or family and right now it’s feast which is good because who doesn’t want to be relevant right now but bad because, well, it’s a little stressful trying to get it all done right now. Anywhoodle. I worked, walked 4 miles at lunch, had a guy approach me and say “you’re in pretty good shape – you don’t just do treadmill huh?.” Um, this is a company gym – weird. And um, what’s wrong with just treadmill. I laughed and was all bahahaha, no, I do strength training too and more cardio after work if I can. And he was like oh yeah, I figured, walking just won’t cut it. What? Who are these people? Well this person is a runner. I see him running and clearly judging me for not running. Boo on him. Do you find that some people poo poo on your exercise? I do. Losers.

So, review of James Patterson's Sail!
I LOVED it. I thought the main character, the mom, was hilarious, and I liked hearing about her family dynamic and was interested as family secrets were revealed. Ultimately though, the story had lots of twists – my favorite. I will say that it was a little slow going and they revealed the conspirator early on so at first I was like DANG, it’s going to be all about how this person did it… but it wasn’t. It was much more then that, had a huge side plot, and had 3 surprise endings. I enjoyed and recommend it wholeheartedly! Maybe not on audio though, much like the Notebook it’s slightly uncomfortable listening to sex scenes at 7:30 a.m. in traffic. Just sayin’. I do however give it a 4.5 out of 5. What would have made it better was quicker get up and go/less build up (although later you do realize that some of that build up actually mattered; but to me not enough to make it worthwhile). Okay – I’ll stop now! I ended up at 1,771 calories, 230 carbs, 47 fat grams and 80 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Finish cleaning out my closet for donations DONE
Develop a new meal plan for next week DONE
Make the rest of the weeks’ meals (needed 2 more!)
Go grocery shopping for next week DONE
Get pregnant belly DONE
As far as exercise, I was only able to get in 4.5 miles cardio (mostly walking/some running - HRM burn: 292). Grrr. Instead of working out during lunch I had to pick up pupper from the vet! He had lots of shots, but did well and rested all afternoon! Me and Austin had yummy quinoa with veggies and chicken for dinner, then an evening of Halloween music and wine outside. Good times. :) I ended up at 1,966 calories, 213 carbs, 45 fat grams and 108 protein grams. Here’s what I ate.
Friday I woke up exhausted. It was like it all crept up on me and I was so tired and felt sick again. Blah. I went to work and got lots done, walked 4 miles during lunch, worked more, and then walked 2 more after work.(HRM burn total: 335). Then I headed home, packed up, had dinner and got on the road. I was a zombie. Like I slept on the way to
I’m sorry this post got so long! The week just really got away from me! I’m off to read blogs now – woo! I’ve missed you guys! TTYL!
Reuben certainly looks handsome! :) Can't wait to see what he picked out for this year!! :)
Hopefully that annoying guy was just awkwardly trying to make conversation. Very awkward for sure!! I think a lot of people have the misconception that to be fit you have to run miles and miles every day and constantly pump iron. I used to think I had to do that to be in shape. Very glad that I've finally found out you do not have to kill yourself to look great!! You are living proof!!
You have inspired me to be better at meal planning! I NEVER meal plan. I mean NEVER!!!! So I decided to give it a whirl and this morning sat down and looked up some ideas and recipes and I have 4 dinners planned. One for tonight and 3 for next week. The remaining nights can be leftover nights. I love this feeling!! Maybe I'll keep it up?!
Okay, first off I have to commend you for walking as many miles as you do. I am a runner, but actually tried to transition into taking long walks more because my body was taking a beating from my running mileage. I quickly learned that it's actually kind of hard to walk 4 miles, even if you are used to running 6 miles! It takes serious determination and patience, in my opinion, but is definitely worth it, and JUST as good as running, just different.
I find it very annoying when people judge other people, esp their workout. I say kudos to anyone who even makes it off the couch! Don't let that silly boy get to you. :)
-Joelle (The Pancake Girl)
Reuben is absolutely adorable in that costume!! Molly would never stand for it.
I hear ya on the judgmental guy from the gym. Believe it or not - that was his lame ass attempt at coming on to you. JMHO!
Keep up the good work.
I can't wait to see Ruben's costume!! His '08 costume is adorable:)
What a weird guy! It sounded like he just really sucks at trying to flatter you! But still.. walking and strength training is better than running in my opinion! (That's just because I hate running because I'm not good at it.) But I have to say I'm in very good shape and I rarely run..there's other way's to get a smokin' body like yours! :D
oh my gosh i had a minor span of insanity and when i read "get pregnant belly done" i was like WHAT?! shes trying to get pregnant!? hahaha. forgive me, i'm in la and on no sleep :)
p.s. gym losers SUCK. walking is great exercise.
Blech! I HATE people like that! Exercise elitist are SO annoying! As far as I'm concerned, being active is being active, no matter what the activity is!
Hearing about your audio book sex scene reminded me of something. I went to college in Vermont and it was a 10 hour drive. I would get audio books to listen to in the car. I was listening to one and had to stop at a toll booth and right then was some big sex scene. So embarassing!
I hear ya on the exercise thing. I have had people scoff when they find out how slowly I run. I'm like, "hey, i am running, leave me alone!"
To me it doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do - the main thing is you are doing it!! Congratulations on all you have accomplished.
That doggie is soooo adorable. You are a great doggie mom!
Take care!
You puppy is adorable!!!
And I loved the cat pic. :)
Ahhh, I want to see Reuben's costume this year! I know you'll post pictures.
I love it when people poo all over running. I suspect it's because they can't do it. Instead, they try to tell me that I won't have knees in five years or that it sucks. Meh, whatever. You know you rock at the treadmill! Don't let gym weirdo get to you.
I think that guy was hitting on you!!!
you are sooo productive!! I am also trying to clean out my room/closet to donate - makes me feel soooo much better about buying new clothes when I actually have space to put them, lol
what a creeper - I got that same feeling on Saturday when I went to the gym, I got on the treadmill to try and start walking again, and although I was walking at a reallllly slow pace, this guy kept looking over and then asked me if I planned on running or if I was injured since I was walking so slow...grrr!
PS - Rueben is adorable in that pic!
You know, looking around the gym, I have noticed that most of the women whose bodies I envy are WALKING on the treadmill and not running. I think the dude would be surprised on how tough it is walking on an incline. My heart rate this morning was higher than when I ran on the treadmill last week. The walking gets me out of my comfort zone whereas when I run I play it "safe." Take a look around at the gym and I'm sure you'd notice the same thing.
That's neat that you have a gym at work! I used to have that when I worked at a gym. ;) But my boss got upset at me for a little while when I would workout during my lunch break. Um, hello, it's a gym?? Thank goodness I left that job.
You puppy is adorable!!!
And I loved the cat pic. :)
Blech! I HATE people like that! Exercise elitist are SO annoying! As far as I'm concerned, being active is being active, no matter what the activity is!
What a weird guy! It sounded like he just really sucks at trying to flatter you! But still.. walking and strength training is better than running in my opinion! (That's just because I hate running because I'm not good at it.) But I have to say I'm in very good shape and I rarely run..there's other way's to get a smokin' body like yours! :D
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