Hola! Happy Tuesday! Today feels like a total Monday (as far as how tired I am) but that’s okay – at least it’s not Monday, right?! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your sweet comments on my longest run ever! I really am so pumped!!! I know so many of you run what to me seems like impossible distances, so thanks for supporting my venture into running and for motivating me to run even further next time (well, after three more workouts at 25 minutes per C25K - i'm such a stickler for the schedule!). So, the story of my blogging life lately, backing up again!
I left you all Sunday when I headed back to B’ham – just me and Reuben – Austin had to stay overnight for Monday meetings. We got back in at 9:30, ate and passed out. Lame, I know! I ended up at 1,771 calories, 143 carbs, 55 fat grams and 148 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. Not too bad! Especially with the 335 calorie burn!
Monday was a Monday for SURE. When Austin isn’t there I just don’t function right! I just worked, walked 4 miles during lunch with Stacy (burned 180 calories), worked, then walked 1 mile and did legs (the workout below three times!) to burn another 130 calories (total burn 310).
click to make larger!
Austin got dropped off by his co-worker at my office, then we were off to the house! Fun to catch up – I told Austin he should commute home with me every day! LOL We got home, had dinner, chatted, watched TV and called it a night. I ended up at 1,823 calories, 239 carbs, 49 fat grams and 98 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. Was a little disappointed in myself. I was done eating for the day. Done. But I was a little hungry. Could have had some turkey, or crackers or a piece of cheese, but no. I had M&Ms. Grrrr.

Book Review: So I finished the last audio book in the most recent batch of purchases from Barnes & Noble! Today I finished up Walter Mosely’s The Wave. The book was about a guy who starts getting phone calls from, what sounds like his father… who is dead. And it is his father, or a part of his father rather, in the form of a younger version brought out of a meteor that takes life in dead humans (called STs). It turns quickly to army operations to control these STs and you learn more about what happened, how the government treats these threats, how it impacts his life, etc. So the book was good, definitely held my attention and had some interesting concepts, but I think overall it just wasn’t my style. And I could have dealt without the constant sex references – geez! My chick lit is just not that graphic you know what I’m saying? Overall, I give it a 3 out of 5 for what it was, and a 2 out of 5 for my liking of it. Not BAD, just not for ME!
What are your favorite kinds of books? I strongly prefer feel good, chick lit! Anything by Jane Green, Marian Keyes, Sophie Kinsella and the list goes on!
When you do squats or leg raises do you hold weight? If so, how much? I either do no weight or 10 pounds (two five-pound dumbbells).
squats def hold weight. I do barbell squats and also regular squats usually up to 10lb dumbells. When I do plie squats I hold up to a 40lb kettlebell (basically only 40lbs if my trainer is around and 25lbs if she's not).
Awww, "When Austin isn't there I just don't function right!" Like a line from a movie, so sweet! ;) I'm just like you when I do squats... it's either no weights or 5 in each hand.
Definitely fiction books are my fave, but not sure from there... I need to read more!! ;)
Look at you go girl!
I love a good chick lit book. I had to take a break from my book club for a little bit. I cannot wait until the summer when I can beach read again.
Great workout!! I love step ups. Actually, they are one of those love hate moves!
I always use weight with squats. I'm up to 145 pounds now!
Today definitely felt like a Monday... I'm about to crash!
I'm embarassed to admit that I don't really read (anything other than personal finance articles and a few mags)... I just don't make time for it! I'll read on the plane or beach, but that's about it!
I either like super fluffy chick lit books, or super serious classics. It just depends on my mood! I can't do squats because of my knees, but I know most exercises are made more effective by holding extra weigt!!
I love mystery books and a good chick lit book every once in a while.
Hey girl! How are you? I don't function right when Josh is not around either so I totally feel for you on Monday being a Monday ;) Fun that ya'll got to commute home together- its always nice to have extra time. I'm not much of a reader...I know I know... When I do squats & lunges its usually when I'm teaching pump- so yes to weights! With Squats...I do 2-5 kg weights on each side (~44 lbs), and squats I do 1-5 kg weight on each side of my bar.
I like the classics! Hemingway, Steinbech, etc. I guess it comes from being an English major.
I do hold 5 lbs weights when I do squats.
The book sounds interesting.
I'm a schedule-stickler too! That's why I liked C25K so much; everything was measured out and very explicit!
Hm, I don't read very much for fun. I guess I don't have a favorite genre, though I'm not a big romance fan.
I wish I was as avid reader as you are! I even bought a new night light and everything!
Okay, you will be my witness, I will finish one of the three books on my night stand before April 1 - deal?!
I don't do squats because of my knees, but if I did I'd hold the weight.
My favorite kinds of books are mysteries and relationship books.
I definitely use weight with squats (well most of the time). I like to put the bar on my back and do it that way as opposed to using dumbbells.
I am the same way when the hubs is gone! We can't stand being away from each other :(
Great workout!! I love step ups. Actually, they are one of those love hate moves!
I always use weight with squats. I'm up to 145 pounds now!
squats def hold weight. I do barbell squats and also regular squats usually up to 10lb dumbells. When I do plie squats I hold up to a 40lb kettlebell (basically only 40lbs if my trainer is around and 25lbs if she's not).
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