So this week has not gone as planned, which makes me a little sad! Let me back up… So Wednesday I was super pumped to do C25K, all was good, etc. Then some drama went down at work went ate up my lunch break… I did get away only because I was crying and had to go dry it up so I went to my happy place: TJ Maxx with a side of Bed, Bath and Beyond. Armed with my list of nice-to-haves, I purchased the following:
4 silver serving spoons
1 silver serving fork
5 drawer organizers
20 16-oz glasses
1 new OXO palm brush
1 ladle
2 serving spoons
I know, I know – not the most exciting stuff but these are things I noticed I was lacking as I’ve been cooking even more and having peeps over! And I’m SO sick of regorganizing the drawer every time I run the dishwasher – those days are over! Other things on the list I didn’t get? A condiment set (Crate & Barrel), new oven mits and an oven mit magnet for the fridge (TBD), new sauce pans/pots (BB&B WITH my coupon – didn’t have it on me!) and a silverware caddy (Crate & Barrel)! Yes, I need to go to Crate & Barrel!
After work I went straight home to mope… which turned into meeting friends for drinks. We ended up at 5 Seasons Brewery with a couple of couples which was a lot of fun for St. Patty’s and I’m glad I went – just a little disappointed that I didn’t work out. But Thursday was another day, right? Wrong!
I woke up Thursday mopey, anxious and with a slight hangover. I felt so behind at work (due to said drama from the prior day) so I worked through lunch, only stopping to toss a soup together in the slowcooker, and worked until 7 p.m. No workouts. Austin had a work thing so I just stayed home with Reuben and, I kid you not, organized the kitchen drawers. I’m a loser! Haha
So now it’s Friday and I had a work breakfast and I have a team lunch – grrr. BUT – no matter what, after work I’m going down to the gym to do what I wanted to do so badly on Tuesday – the C25K Week 6 Workout 2!!
I’m sorry this post has rando pictures – I forgot my camera cord! BUT I do have pictures of St. Patty’s and of my drawers (I know – you’re waiting on the edge of your seats for those! Haha).
Oh stats – Wednesday was at 2,136 calories, 240 carbs, 29 fat grams and 91 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. Thursday was high too – eek – at 2,019 calories, 290 carbs, 56 fat grams and 79 protein grams. Here’s what I ate. I’m officially declaring the pity party o.v.e.r. It’s bad enough to have a bad day at work but to gain weight over it? Not gonna happen! :)
When stuff gets you down what do you want to do first? Exercise or Eat? (or something else?)
It’s Friday –what are you pumped about?! I’m excited – we leave tomorrow for B’ham to visit with Austin’s family and celebrate his brother, Eliot’s, 18th birthday! He’s Eliot Patrick born on St. Patty’s! here’s a pic of the b-day boy!

I hate work drama! And crying at work! I always cry!! Love your BB&B purchases! Have fun this weekend! I'm sure it will be 100 times better than your work week!!
When I'm upset I usually cry and go shopping. I'm not an emotional eater or exerciser... I'm an emotional spender!
sorry about the work drama, but i'm sure a good workout will make you feel so much better!!
I am such a stress eater- I try to channel that into exercise, but I've only worked out once all week! Not like me at all.
I love what you said about not letting bad days make you gain weight. We all need to remember that..I'm definitely a stress eater as well!
I hope you enjoy your run tonight!!
I love what you said about not letting bad days make you gain weight. We all need to remember that..I'm definitely a stress eater as well!
I hope you enjoy your run tonight!!
Good luck on your workout!! Sorry you had a bad day at work! I hate when that happens :( Have a great weekend!
Ugh, work drama is awful. I hope it's resolved and you have a great weekend!
I like how TJMaxx is your happy place. I think my happy place is Target.
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear you were feeling blue. So was I this week. We should've met up and had a pity party together, haha! ;) I hope you're feeling better today. This weather sure is working wonders for me. When I'm upset, I definitely want to workout first, but then usually overeat in the evenings. Although if something really serious is going on, that's the only time I lose my appetite and don't even think about food.
Have a great weekend!! :)
Aww, I'm sorry you had a rough time at work. My first instinct is to run for the food....or do a little retail therapy. Neither one is a good choice, but retail therapy doesn't affect my belly. ;)
I hope you have an AWESOME weekend and enjoy this gorgeous weather!
Oh, those boys will cheer you right up! You can't spend time with them without smiling and laughing. Such great guys! :)
We need to do some MAJOR retail therapy when I get back to town!!! ;-)
I'm sorry that you had a rough week at work! I hate crying at work, but sometimes it's totally necessary. When I'm upset, I'm more likely to eat than exercise. Sometimes, we just have to do what we think is going to relax us without worrying too much about it! :)
eating chocolate is always the first thing i do when i'm upset! seems to help. :) hope you're feeling better and that the shopping helped!
I stress-ate my way through the MA exam prep, and I'm at a new "MA weight," unfortunately. I'm still trying to recover...
Work-outs always make me feel better. Get out there for C25K and kick some butt!
I'm sorry you had a few not so great days. But I hope you are enjoying a great weekend! :)
I've been a stress eater in the past...I still have a slight tendency to do that but NOW I find my main eating problem is boredom eating at night! Dang!! HUGE problem for me. When I'm not busy for a couple hours, it's like a magnet drawing me to the dang fridge!!
But....I try to channel my work stress into a I have a lot of workouts!! haha
You'll be fine girl. We're all rooting for you.
I hope next week is better for you! And I can totally eat when stressed but that's good thinking: I'm not gaining weight over this! If I'm a bit mad though, I feel like being on the elliptical totally is a stress-reliever or going to a class at the gym; I just focus on what I'm doing for that hour. Regardless of what goes on in my day, going to the gym makes me feel like I'm doing something for myself and makes the world seem brighter for hours after (must be the endorphins!).
Oh and if you skip a workout, just tell yourself you're giving your body a rest day and that you'll have tons more energy to burn next time by letting your muscles re-coup for those days. ;) You'll probably feel the burn again too (which is something I love). Hope you're having a great Sunday!
I've been a stress eater in the past...I still have a slight tendency to do that but NOW I find my main eating problem is boredom eating at night! Dang!! HUGE problem for me. When I'm not busy for a couple hours, it's like a magnet drawing me to the dang fridge!!
But....I try to channel my work stress into a I have a lot of workouts!! haha
You'll be fine girl. We're all rooting for you.
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