Happy Sunday!! Hope you're all having beautiful days - I am. This is what i'm looking at right now (aside from your blogs)
I love spending the day with my puppers! Backing up a bit to Friday, which was just a busy work day. I was able to get in a 4-mile walk during lunch with Stacy - YAY! We also did abs. After work, I headed straight home, did a few chores and then me and Austin headed to meet Katie and Cush at their place for a drink. Which led to another drink at Taco Mac with a big group of buddies, then us, Katie & Cush & Jeff went to a local bar near the casa. Trying to get in as much Katie & Cush time as possible before they leave for Colorado. I'm am going to miss them SO much. Great night! I was asleep by 1:30. Saturday I got up and had intended to hit the gym, but got a lot done at home instead, doing laundry, wrapping gifts, grocery shopping, dropping items off at Goodwill, getting gas - you name it. 1 p.m. came early, and it was time to shower and get to Jennifer's to give her a baby shower gift and see the nursery! I visited with her for a bit, then went to get a haircut (bliss!), then went to my mom's and visited with her and then drove over to her friend's Naka & Meredith to meet them and their little boy Kai. My mom nannies for Kai and LOVES it - I see why - they seem like wonderful people, their house is fabulous and Kai couldn't be cuter! After THAT, we hit up Leon's for dinner with 20 to celebrate Katie & Cush's going away! We got an amazing spot outside; able to enjoy the weather but sit by a heat lamp - perfection. From dinner, we headed to Twain's. The guys hit up the foosball, shuffleboard and beer, while us ladies chatted about everything from weddings to babies to work - we also hit up the vodka. Wonderful night with great friends, and so fun to meet new, awesome peeps! Here's some pics!
GREAT times with these ladies! We even got in that photo booth behind us. Yes, all 6 of us. Hilarity. And I LOVE that we're all brunettes!
ONE thing did not go my way last night. My finger got slammed in a door. BAD. Like I almost passed out from all of the blood (yes, it was very embarrassing haha). Thankfully - Austin got me in a chair and the girls helped cool me off and I was back to normal and doctored up quickly. In the meantime... go here to see a pic. You know, if you're morbidly curious. :) I had it posted here but don't want to gross people out... sorry if you've already seen it! LOL
The whole part on the top/right is 'loose' - like 3/4" of skin is flapping around - EW. Thankfully, I have a great wound cleaner kit (from my runner's toe problem) so I'm good to go but GENA it hurts. Even now - as I type about how bad it hurts.
Q: Why do "nail problems" hurt SO DANG BAD? I mean really!
Q: What 'cha up to today?! We are doing nothing. Just making hummus, cooking a bit, wrapping up laundry, petting the baby puppers and enjoying the lazy day together. Is a busted thumb a good excuse to skip the gym? No?