Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forget.

I truly can't believe it's been 10 years. I met my husband 10 years and 4 days ago, on September 7, 2001, as a 19-year-old sophomore in college. A mere four days later, our country was attacked. My mother's call was the first i'd heard of it. A day of shock and sadness ensued that still and will always bring up that huge lump in my throat. Last year I remembered the devastation by reading about "the jumpers" - those who abandoned their burning floors, what it meant, how their families felt about it and just how dire their situations were. It was heart-wrenching, upsetting and unimaginable. This year, I've been reading your thoughts on this day of remembrance. Thank you all for sharing - I know it affected everyone differently and I'm fortunate to say that I didn't know anyone personally who lost their lives that day. But so many did. And we must remember. And i'm glad we do. I hope you're all having nice days. I'll see you all tomorrow with normal programming.


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