Monday, July 22, 2013

Nothing Better Than Homemade Sauce

It's true, the fewer the cans the better the sauce. This one actually used one can, but I still found it pretty dang awesome. Probably because of the olive oil. Nothing better than some olive oil!
I named it Ricotta Shells with Homemade Marinara. Try it, at least the sauce - so  yummy!

What else has been up?

I've been renewing my obsession with lighthearted films like Something's Gotta Give and It's Complicated. Happy movies with fun people in beautiful setting always make me smile.
I have been loving our time with family. In the last week I got to see my mom and sis, Austin's mom and dad - it's just fun to be surrounded by family. We also got to see our Auburn family. I think our visit only got to be an hour with the Veloti and the Cardens but it was sure fun!
I simply can't get enough of Beckett. I can't believe I have a daughter and I just feel so lucky to be able to spend my days with such a sweet little girl. She had a great weekend with her family, got to meet even more friends, and just had a good visit.
Beckett isn't the only one I'm spending my days with, the poodles have been so good and such great company. They are really sweet with Beckett and I'm loving seeing her notice them more and more each week - she really seems to like their company, too. Then again, how could we have a daughter who isn't a 'dog person?'
I am also loving Austin's vegetables. Seriously - the man has a green thumb. And it's so sweet to see him and Beckett outside picking tomatoes when he gets home from work - she loves it.

So much to be thankful for! Yes, I'm annoyed with the insurance company who refuses to call me about our mailbox that our neighbor ran over. Sure, I'm frustrated with the pace that my body is letting go of the baby weight. Absolutely, every day with Beckett isn't amazing - some days are tough with teething and tummy trouble and downright fussiness. BUT, I am going to choose to focus on happy things - good movies, good food, good times with family and friends and sweet puppies.

Q: What are you thankful for on this Monday? I hope you're having a good one. :)

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