Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Austin's Birthday, ST Class, Footprint, Movie Review

Happy Tuesday! Our Monday was pretty good as it wasn't just Monday, it was Austin's 33rd birthday! I met Austin weeks after his 21st birthday, and we began dating shortly after that, making this our 12th time celebrating his birthday!! I can assure you our celebration was significantly different then his 22nd, but better if you ask me! I woke up to this happy bug, and promptly took this shot and texted it to Austin at work!
"Happy Birthday, Daddy!"
Then I tried not to get frustrated when... I unloaded a dirty dishwasher... including drinking my coffee out of a "clean" mug (Austin hadn't quite started it - eeek!), and then later when Remy had not one but TWO accidents... and then later when the van on the left parked so close to me that I had to put Beckett back in the car on the opposite side - people. can. be. so. thoughtless. I was like NO, today will be a good day! haha
And my workout class really helped - even when I don't feel like it I ALWAYS feel better after a workout. This was a strength training class. Note: I forgot to stop it at 1 hour when the class ended - oops! BUT, I did look down to see how much I burned at 1 hour and it was about 458 calories. The rest was just me getting Beckett strapped in and to the car! :)
We had a good afternoon and Beckett officially likes plums - yay! Then the birthday boy got home and held his teething baby (she is LOVING those frozen washcloths!)
And even though we don't do gifts, me and Beckett couldn't resist giving Austin a little something. So we took her 6-month footprint and popped it in a frame!
Sorry about the annoying reflection!
We hung out with Beckett, had Austin's favorite healthified recipe (skillet lasagna), did Becks' bath and bottle and then settled in for Austin's birthday request - a movie night featuring Oblivion
We loved it! Then again, we love sci-fi-action movies that focus on a post-apocalyptic world! (Think: Deep Impact, Independence Day, Day After Tomorrow, District 9, Looper, etc.). It was basically about a man and woman who were on 'clean-up crew' after an alien invasion of earth. Humans won the war, but the planet was left in shambles so humans were now living on a Saturn ring and Tom/Victoria stayed back to protect machines that were converting water into energy for use on Saturn. It was great... very suspenseful, lots of twists (what do the aliens look like? where are they? why were their memories wiped?) - lots of good stuff! We paused it several times to chat about it and afterwards I hit the message boards - whenever I do that I know I LOVED the movie!

Q: Seen Oblivion? If so, what did you think?! If not, what has been the best movie you've seen this summer?!

Q: Any tips on how to get baby hand and footprints? I found it challenging. Well, we did 'one and done' on the footprint, but I couldn't even try the hand as she is quick to make fists!

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